AKA What Dr. Indiana Jones taught me about life.
Before I begin, I want to apologize to all you loyal readers out there.
In case you haven’t noticed, a full 2 weeks has gone by since I dropped a dose of super heroic knowledge on the Internet.
While I might be a gigantic nerd, my arch nemesis is definitely programming/coding (and spider webs, and sharks, and bed-head, and… well you get the idea,) and some back-end issues arose that required my attention.
I wish I could have banged them out quickly and gracefully, but instead I dealt with them by sobbing and screaming “why?!?” at my monitor a lot. And since this website isn’t how I support myself (seriously, buy more books people!) I had to take my own advice and prioritize things a little.
Hence the delay.
Hopefully today’s pile-o-words is so awesome that you will forgive me though!
I took a poll on Twitter and Facebook asking what movie franchise people wanted to see me turn into my next article. The overwhelming response?
Indiana Jones.
While I love me some Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit have a special place in my nerd origin story, I am hard-pressed to not say Indiana Jones is probably my favorite cinematic protagonist of all time!
What’s not to love about him?
He’s a scholar and an adventurer, he travels the globe and discovers hidden treasures, his dad is James Bond and he gets to punch Nazis in the face!
Does it get any better than that?!?
And while Indiana Jones might be fictional, it isn’t going to stop me from drawing some inspiration from him (half my heroes are fictional characters anyway)! So let’s break down why this fedora wearing hero is so freaking awesome and all the great fitness, and life, lessons we can learn from him and his trilogy of adventures.
Yes, I said trilogy.
First person to utter the words “Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” gets Batman kicked in the spleen… go ahead, say them; I dare you.
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Okay, now that is out of the way, what have I learned from Dr. Jones?!?
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