How To Warm Up Properly…

… And Avoid Injuries

How To Warm Up Properly to Avoid Injury

We all want to get done with our workouts as quickly as possible.

We have games to play, comic books to read and things we want to accomplish in life and the more time we spend in the gym means less time doing all that fun stuff right?!? I get it…

What we don’t want is a pulled hamstring, bicep or pancreas though! It’s really difficult to lose weight, build muscle, feel better about ourselves, and continue on our path to becoming a real-life superhero if we’re laid up on the couch nursing an injury.

So don’t be that guy who wanders into the gym aimlessly and then plops down on a bench, or a machine, and starts cranking out a workout immediately.  I see it all the time, and very often these are the same people who end up never seeing real progress because they either:

  • Hurt themselves and have to take significant time off of their program
  • Never perform at their peak because their muscles aren’t primed and ready to go

Luckily, you’re reading The Jerd… and I’m going to keep you straight!

So today, in honor of Rule #6 of the Jerd Herd, we are going to talk about training smart! You’re going to learn why you need to warming up before every workout and how to warm up properly.

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Iron Rations: Sausage and Peppers

Not every meal has to take copious amounts of prep time nor be 100% clean.

You don’t even always have to be a whiz in the kitchen.

That’s right. You can make a healthy, delicious, low-calorie meal even if you suck at cooking! Who woulda thunk it?!?

Sausage w/ Peppers and Onions

There are so many great things about a meal like this!

  • It works for breakfast, lunch or dinner
  • Easy to cook
  • Almost zero prep time is required
  • Is relatively inexpensive

Not to mention it scales easily if you want to make enough for left-overs!

It clocks in at about 385 calories and provides approx 30 grams of protein/4 grams of fiber/30 grams of carbs. What more can you ask for?

Prep Time = 5 Mins Cook Time = 10 Mins Total Time = 15 Mins

Ingredients (Serves 2):

Healthy Sausage and Peppers Recipe

  • 1 package (4 count) of Sweet Italian Style Chicken Sausage
  • 1 package of pre-cut peppers/onions*


  • 1 tbsp BBQ sauce


* Note – Most stores have started catering to the lazy busy and sell pre-cut veggies… so if you aren’t keen on slicing onions and de-seeding peppers this is definitely the way to go. If your store sucks and doesn’t sell pre-packaged kitchen salvation then grab a green pepper, a yellow pepper, a red pepper and an onion and get to slicing!

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Iron Rations: Chicken Lettuce Wraps

I’ve been getting requests for more healthy recipes, so in today’s installment of Iron Rations we are going to look at an exceptionally tasty (and simple) recipe that works great as an appetizer or light lunch.

As I continue to say, eating clean and healthy is the most important aspect of any fitness regimen!

No matter how hard you are working out, if you are eating crap then you are probably never going to see the results you want! So many people think eating clean and healthy means nothing but grilled chicken and steamed broccoli though, and while that is a solid meal it gets downright boring after awhile.

You can’t outrun your fork!

So what can we add to your clean and healthy menu to spice things up a little?

Healthy Chicken Lettuce Wraps

This light (paleo friendly) meal tastes great, takes minimal ingredients, it clocks in at about 460 calories, provides approx 40 grams of protein/7 grams of fiber/18 grams of carbs and only takes a half an hour to prepare.

Not to mention if presented right can make you look like you are a better cook than you actually might be… score!

Prep Time = 20 Mins Cook Time = 10 Mins Total Time = 30 Mins

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How To Cheat On Your Diet (And Not Feel Guilty)

How to Cheat on Your Diet Guilt FreeCheat meal.

I am sure you’ve heard the term; whether in an article, interview or show.

When you get your diet under control and start eating clean (remember, this means your long-term eating habits not a short-term fix… those don’t work!), eventually you will encounter this oft misunderstood concept.

I’m going to break down the do’s and don’ts of “cheating” for you, and teach you how to cheat on your diet and not feel guilty, so you don’t sabotage yourself!

A “cheat meal” is just an opportunity to enjoy some indulgent food that you don’t eat on a regular basis.

No matter what your intentions are, it’s impossible to be completely perfect with your diet all the time (it’s not necessary either to be honest)! “Cheating” on your diet occasionally, and enjoying some decadent food, can be a vital and integral part of a long-term healthy lifestyle.

How to Cheat on Your Diet Guilt Free - SupermanWhile some people will say that allowing yourself to “cheat” is the gateway to an all out binge, I think it is a good way to further hone your growing, superheroic willpower.

I won’t lie to you, sabotaging yourself by binging can and does happen, but I don’t think that’s a valid reason to treat cheat meals like kryptonite.

I spend a lot of time trying to help all of you loyal readers how to shop, prepare meals, eat clean and deal with temptation, but you also have to learn how to cheat the game and satisfy your urge for unhealthier fare!

When you first start on your Heroes Transformation, fixing your eating habits and trying to right your dietary ship, being ultra-strict to your diet plan is smart.

Identifying the “trigger” foods that will lead to overeating and bingeing (and avoiding them) is important, but every aspiring superhero has to eventually face down his nemesis and this is no different!

So how can you do it without backsliding into bad eating habits?

Face your Nemesis

When you really break it down, food is just fuel.

Yes, some things taste better than others but it’s usually emotional issues that are stopping you from controlling yourself. A Twinkie, no matter how much you may crave it, is not some evil version of Professor X controlling your mind and forcing you to cram it into your face hole.

A lot of “foods” are specifically engineered to increase cravings (read all about the food industry’s nefarious plots in the great book “Salt, Sugar, Fat”) but self-control, an amazing power that we all possess to some degree, can easily combat them.

A power greater than any carefully designed sugar-fat-salt-bomb!

Just like any new challenge it won’t be easy, and you will fail at times, but you will pick yourself up and you will eventually succeed!

I know it might seem like a logical solution, but simply avoiding your favorite foods and saying “I can’t have that because it makes me overindulge” is not the answer and it is a disservice to yourself.

How to Cheat on Your Diet Guilt Free - Contra Code

How to Conquer the “Cheat

So what’s the solution?

I’m glad you asked! The answer is a controlled cheat meal.

Here are some guidelines you can follow to help define exactly what I mean when I say “controlled” and how to fit these occasional “cheats” into your long-term dietary plan and remove the stress and guilt out of the process.

A “cheat meal” is just an opportunity to indulge and enjoy food you don’t normally eat.

  • Enjoy yourself: This is arguably the most important! Don’t feel guilty, don’t obsess over the calories… no regrets!

That being said, here are a few more guidelines so that your indulgences stay positive and don’t impede your Heroes Transformation progress like an attack from the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

  • Plan your cheat: In order to remain in control of your eating habits, you have to factor in your cheats intelligently! Yes, it takes the joy of spontaneity out of the experience but let’s be honest it was your lack of correct meal planning that landed you in this boat in the first place; so we aren’t leaving this up to chance! Realizing you have nothing in your refrigerator and then ordering a pizza and then counting it as your cheat works against you. This isn’t some sort of hall pass that gets you out of trouble for cheating on your diet; they should be included in your plan from the outset. I think picking a specific meal time is the way to go (maybe you don’t know what you’re going to eat but you know when) based on your social schedule, the holidays or what have you. Whatever it is, you should know in advance that it’s your cheat.
  • Track your progress: We are all different and, while cheating once or twice a week is fine for most, your individual goals may call for more or less. If you’ve been losing weight steadily and integrate 2 cheat meals a week into your diet plan and then stop seeing progress you are going to have to cut it back to 1 or change what it is you are indulging in. I have preached in the past about the value of food-journaling and I feel it is a worthwhile exercise to pick back up your first couple of weeks of “cheating” as well.
  • Don’t go crazy: This is very important, so I want you to listen to me… more does not taste better. There will always be another planned cheat so just eat slowly and savor this indulgence that you have earned, but don’t overeat!
  • Cheat meal ≠ Cheat Day: Unless you are an athlete burning crazy amounts of calories on a daily basis I don’t recommend taking an entire day to indulge. Yes, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has his famous doughnut days where he destroys dozens of the tasty treats but his Herculean regimen through the rest of the week allows for it… for us mere mortals our food for the rest of the day should be no different than usual. One “cheat meal” a week should not be enough to undo all your planning and hard work but a full day? Well that might just lay waste to all your hard work…

So there you go! I know I love my cheats… they tend to either come in the form of Chinese Food or Sausalito cookies, and some weeks they come more than a couple of times. The Jerd is not immune to the siren’s call of crappy food choices! I just remember that I have the positive habits I have built for myself as the first line of defense, and then I make sure I step back and identify when I am over-indulging and correct as necessary.

Like I keep saying, living a fit and healthy lifestyle is a lifelong and iterative process.

Don’t be afraid to course correct as needed!

What about you? What are your go-to cheats? Beer? Pizza? Wings? I want to know what they are and how you factor them into your plans, so let me know in the comments below!

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter and get your FREE e-book! Also subscribe to the YouTube channel (if you want access to our Nerd-Core Fitness exercise videos), follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site.)There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

Signed by the Jerd


 (Picture #1 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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How To: Become a Real-Life Superhero Pt 2

Heroes Transformation Journey 1Several weeks ago I started to explain the process that governs how to actually “Go from geek to real-life superhero” in How To Become a Real-Life Superhero Pt 1 (if you haven’t read it, take a few minutes and catch up now!)

Today I want to continue defining what it means for people to take their own personal Heroes Transformation journey.

In Part 1 of the series we defined what a hero actually is, how to visualize the heroic traits you want to embody, and explained the framework for this personal transformation… aka Joseph Campbell’s Monomyth, or Heroes Journey.

Don’t forget, you are the hero of your own story!

In the last installment we covered the first step of the journey, the “Call to Adventure“, so what is the second step?

Refusal of the Call!

That’s right; in almost every adventure, the hero punks out at first!

Let that mildly amusing fact be a comfort for you. We all get scared, and we all will try to rationalize our way to maintain the status quo. Fear of failure and the unknown is 100% natural and understandable!

What separates a hero from the masses is his/her ability to get past that initial refusal to do what is necessary.

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The Heroes’ Transformation – Stunt Work

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt Coalition

This website started with a single idea – That if my fellow geeks and nerds were introduced to physical activities that were both mentally engaging and fun, that they would be more inclined to get off their couch and exercise.

Originally I envisioned doing a web-series on YouTube where I traveled around finding geeky physical activities, trying them out and then grading them for the viewers.

After having this brilliant idea, and starting this website with no forethought or planning at all, (you can see our origin story here) I realized three very important things:

  1. I had no idea what I was doing when it came to making or editing videos.
  2. Even if I knew what I was doing, I would not be able to produce them fast enough to make it worthwhile on it’s own.
  3. Since proper diet is such a huge part of living a healthier lifestyle, a big piece of the fitness puzzle would still be missing. (I don’t think anyone wants to see a video of me shopping for my kitchen essentials!)

Stunt Work for Fitness - DC Stunt CoalitionI didn’t let that stop me though, I had a vision and a goal I wanted to achieve so I just modified things a little and kept moving forward!

If I learned anything from the things that inspired this site, namely Kevin Smith’s book Tough Sh*t (seriously, read it… it changed my outlook on life) and Felicia Day’s single-minded devotion to bringing her web-series “The Guild” to fruition, it is that if you believe in something just do it.

Being scared that you are going to fail, or putting things off until you are “more prepared” is a surefire way to never get anywhere. In fact, this mirrors my view on fitness as well; stop waiting and just get moving! (Check out my thoughts on the Basics of Getting in Shape)

So what exactly am I rambling about?

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Drink More Water!

Drink More Water - The Jerd

That’s it.

No catchy title, no complicated program to follow.

Just one simple tip that most people looking to be healthier should follow.

Drink more water!

Whether you are trying to lose weight, get in better shape or just feel better day-to-day this will make a huge difference. I promise!

The benefits of guzzling water are legion, but here are a few key ones:

  • Decreases hunger (Helps with weight loss!)
  • Flushes toxins (Helps your overall health and well-being!)
  • Increase your energy (Helps you make it through the day!)
  • Increase muscle performance (Helps you get more out of your workouts!)
  • Improve skin (Helps you look better!)
  • Assists with digestion (Really, do I have to explain?)

It stands to reason right? The human body is approximately 60% water after all!

I can speak from experience that when I am not drinking enough water I feel it the moment I step into the gym or onto the training mats. The difference in how I perform (and therefore the gains I make) is really apparent. I tire much faster, and often feel sluggish, if I have had a day where I’ve been on the go and forgotten to pour at least a liter and a half down my throat.

So what can we do to ensure we drink enough?

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Nerd-Core Fitness – Beginner Ab Workout

Beginner Six Pack Ab Workout

Killer abs.

A shredded six pack.

The veritable Holy Grail of being in shape.

While I don’t necessarily agree with it being the pinnacle of fitness, I definitely get the appeal. Having a flat stomach or, even better yet, defined abdominal muscles definitely gives people a well-earned sense of accomplishment!

So what can you do to develop those little rolling hills of muscle across your stomach and those v-thingies on your hips?

First and foremost it is vital that you embrace the mantra “Abs are made in the kitchen.” Whether you are shoveling fast food into your face-hole or eating way too much healthy food it doesn’t matter how many crunches, roman chairs or obliques you do.

In fact, if you are really hitting the core workouts hard you might even look like you develop more of a belly!

Say what?!?

What happens if you are really trying to pack on muscle without reducing the fat stores around them is that the muscles just push the fat out further as they grow! Definitely not the ideal scenario by any stretch of the imagination, so make sure you are cleaning up your diet first and foremost (if you need some tips you can start here – The Basics of Healthy Eating. Better yet, everything you need to know detailed in “The Heroes’ Transformation Guide“!).

You walk into a video store, you see 8-Minute Abs sittin’ there, there’s 7-Minute Abs right beside it. Which one are you gonna pick, man?” – Hitchhiker, There’s Something About Mary

7 Minute Abs

Okay, not really.

But if you want to add a simple, ab-centric, workout into your routine I’ve got what you need right here! Let’s upgrade your “Heroes Transformation” with some core strengthening exercises my loyal Jerdlings!

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The Realities of Stretching

Why Stretching Is Important - LEGO Mr Fantastic - The Jerd

I guarantee that on more than one occasion you have had someone tell you that you need to stretch.

It might have been your Phys Ed teacher in school, a coach, a personal trainer or physical therapist, a co-worker or even me (I advocate stretching in every workout article I post!)

Add to that the fact that everyone has a tight spot (whether it comes and goes or is constantly as tight as one of the Hulk’s fist): calves, shoulders, hips, hamstrings, iliotibial bands, etc…

It’s only logical that you tell yourself you should stretch more, right?

Not so fast.

Basics of Stretching

Before we get into why stretching might not be the answer for your tight muscle woes, let’s take a minute and discuss how to stretch properly.

The first thing to remember is that your muscles are most pliable when they are warm (and it is even better if they are a little fatigued).

So make sure you stretch after some sort of initial warm up; even better, get your stretching done after you’ve beaten your muscles into submission with a super heroic workout. That way your muscles are too tired to resist your attempts at stretching them out!

Ease Into It

Start off with what’s referred to as the “Easy Stretch” (technical sounding, isn’t it?)

This involves stretching to the point of mild tension (not pain), and holding this position for approx. 30 seconds (shoot for 40 if you are in the “over 30” crowd). This stretch should feel comfortable.

Once you’ve held the position for a bit and the tension has backed off, you can proceed to the “Developmental Stretch”.

From the position you held for the Easy Stretch, move a bit further until you feel slight tension in the muscle again. Now hold this position for 30 more seconds.


I know every time someone reminds me to breathe when doing something I want to smack them in the face, so forgive me this hypocrisy…

While stretching, it is important to breathe normally.

No holding your breath!

That means you’re not relaxing and that you are short-changing yourself. Just keep breathing slow and rhythmically through your stretch to avoid any sudden movements that can cause your muscles to react by suddenly tightening up.

You’re Doing It Wrong

Stretching the wrong way means:

  • Stretching to the point discomfort or pain
  • Bouncing during the stretch
  • Not holding the stretch for a sufficient amount of time.

Muscles react best to trying to stretch them like taffy when you’re able to relax them.

If your muscles are screaming at you like they’re being tortured by 15th century Spanish inquisitors then you are doing it wrong.

Stretching to the point of pain or discomfort automatically means that the muscles aren’t even close to being relaxed, and therefore won’t let you stretch them. In fact, you are more likely to tear your muscles when you take a stretch to that level.

The Stretching Myth

Why Stretching Is Important - Plastic Man - The Jerd

I am a huge proponent of stretching long and often (being flexible has saved me from a lot of injuries over the years); but just like Plastic Man isn’t usually the best answer to fighting a super-villain, stretching isn’t always the solution to feeling stiff and inflexible…

You see most people think of muscles as wads of taffy, and that all it takes is some vigorous pulling to loosen them up and lengthen them out.

Unfortunately that just isn’t the case.

Many times your muscles aren’t tight because they haven’t been stretched enough; they are tight because they’re in use — often without you even realizing it!

WTF Is The Somatic Nervous System?

The somatic nervous system, or SNS, is a network of nerve tissue that is constantly taking in huge amounts of information about the world around you and then telling your muscles how to react to all those data points.

In a perfect world, when your skeletal alignment is dead on, your SNS sends your muscles clear and simple messages. They are called up for duty only when they are needed and as soon as they are done stabilizing you, they go back to relaxing and chilling out.

So What’s The Problem?

Why Stretching Is Important - Elastigirl - The Jerd

Unfortunately, nobody who drives a car, sits in a cubicle or wears heeled shoes regularly has perfect alignment; it’s very often even worse for us geeks (damn you computers and gaming consoles!)

When you stand (let alone walk, run, practice martial arts, etc…) what is really happening is you are almost constantly falling over.

What stops you from landing flat on your face is the fact that your muscles, all the way from your feet to spine, are continually contracting and expanding in short, low-intensity bursts to keep your balance.

Have you ever stood on a trampoline or on ice and felt your muscles tightening constantly in a herky-jerky fashion?

That’s just an over exaggeration of what your body does the entire time you are walking around!

In addition to the SNS coordinating these bursts of muscular energy, the skeleton plays a big part as well. When your skeleton is aligned it minimizes how much your muscles need to get involved.

When your skeletal alignment is compromised though, your muscles have to pick up the slack!

That constant, imperceptible, low-intensity bursts of muscular activity that was required to keep you upright now requires a much greater force  (and over a longer period of time.)

I see this all the time in people with bad posture, especially people who sit in cheap chair and stay hunched over their keyboards for hours and hours on end.

As an example (and one most computer geeks will immediately relate to) let’s say your shoulders are spent rolled forward for 6-8 hours a day while sitting at your desk banging away on a keyboard and clicking the mouse furiously.

This constant affront to good posture, the mis-alignment of your skeleton, has your SNS constantly trying to pull those shoulders back… even when you aren’t sitting at the keyboard!

It will constantly send commands to contract all the muscles necessary to bring your shoulders and neck back into natural alignment and, until you stop slumping like a Neanderthal, these commands never stop.

So your trapezoids and rhomboids (all your upper back muscles) get angry because they are constantly being pulled forward, your chest muscles get all tight because they are constantly working to maintain your protracted shoulders and your SNS is constantly telling all the connective tissue in your back, neck and chest to try and protect your spine and neck.

From yourself. /facepalm

Your crappy posture from hours and hours of World of Warcraft is the cause (For the Horde!!!) and your muscular tightness is the effect.

When you feel that lump in your shoulder, and that tightness in your chest, the urge is to yank on your arms and elbows to relieve the pressure you feel.

That tightness, however, is secondary and stretching any of those over-recruited muscles will provide only limited relief if anything. As long as the brain thinks it needs the muscles engaged to prevent you from sustaining an injury or to keep your skeleton in alignment, it simply won’t get any longer.

How Do You Fix It?

Why Stretching Is Important - Plastic Man 2 - The Jerd

So how do you fix this sort of tightness if not through stretching?

The answer is pretty simple: Do whatever you want as long as it helps calm your SNS down!

Regular deep tissue massages, Yoga, weight lifting, Tai Chi, running… whatever! Just be active and perform exercises with proper alignment to restore the correct patterns of communication in your SNS and diminish muscle tightness.

Then you can actually work on increasing flexibility.

So, what tight muscles anger you and what (if anything) have you done to correct the problem? Let me know in the comments below!

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel (if you want access to our Nerd-Core Fitness exercise videos), follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site.) There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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The Keys to Running: Race Day Etitquette

Running EtiquetteIf you are reading the columns on this site, you may still be somewhat new to regular workouts and running. We all have to start somewhere so, with that in mind, here are few tips on running etiquette that will help you blend in and not irritate everyone else around you.

Don’t Be That Guy

Wearing Headphones

Not too long ago, this was one of the more controversial topics in running.With the advent of the iPod and other compact music players, it’s possible to have all your music with you during your race.The question is – just because you can do it, should you? 

A few years ago, I would have said absolutely not to wearing headphones during a race.You need to be fully aware of your surroundings, the race course, and your competitors.  My reasons were for safety and to focus on the event.Official race organizers wanted them banned for insurance reasons, not wanting participants distracted and getting injured.

However, an outright ban on music players proved to be highly impractical, and largely unenforceable. 

Today headphones and music players are only usually prohibited for ‘elites’, those athletes who actually might win a distance race.I’ve relaxed my stance on headphones also.Readers of this site, myself included, will likely never take first place, nor win the cash prize.If headphones help you keep your pace or help you focus, and the race does not explicitly ban them outright, then I am okay with it.We compete because we love the run.  We should enjoy it as much as we can.

However – as I often say – safety first.Always keep the volume to a level where you can hear everything and everyone around you. 

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Heroes Transformations: Kat’s Story

Kats Success Story 1 - The Jerd

Today I thought I would take a minute and highlight a reader, her personal trainer woes and her story of success.

So grab a healthy snack and let’s talk about Kat for a few minutes.

I have known Kat for several years; she’s 48 (although you would never know it looking at her), a breast-cancer survivor, loves horses waaaay more than a normal person should, and evidently has horrible taste in personal trainers.

About a month and a half ago I saw a rant she had posted on her Facebook wall that really bothered me; both as her friend and in my capacity as Dominus Jerdicus Emeritus.

Let’s just take a look at some of what she said:

“I just kicked out over an hour and forty-five minutes work out at gym – 35 minutes with the trainer – about 55 minutes on the elliptical and then 20 minutes on the treadmill – only to have my trainer tell me I’m not working hard enough – or doing enough and I should look ‘better’ than I do.

I actually made an ASS out of myself and cried in the gym – then marched into the bathroom got on the scale – brought it to her to show her I’m down another 3.2 pounds – but REALLY? I’m not WORKING HARD ENOUGH? The last months payment comes out Friday – which means I have another month – then I may never work with a trainer again…”


Before we go any further I want to preface this entire article by saying that I think personal trainers are great; if you can afford one they can be extremely helpful in your fitness journey!

They will help you build custom workouts based on your goals, ensure you have proper exercise form, and hold you accountable.

That being said they are also human, and just like all humans some are going to be super-heroes and some super-villains. Unfortunately it looks like Kat ran into the Lex Luthor of trainers.

So how did she end up dealing with this villainous trainer? How did she manage to shed the pounds she wanted all the while spending less time working out and eating more of the foods she loves?

Let’s break it down…

Kat’s Obstacles

After she calmed down a bit we dug into exactly what was going on. In a nutshell here’s what was happening:

  • The trainer had her on a 6 day a week exercise plan.
  • The trainer had her doing an hour of cardio on the elliptical machine every day.
  • The trainer had her restricting her caloric intake to 900-1000 a day.
  • The trainer was making her miserable by treating her like crap.

Now there is a veritable cornucopia of fail happening in the above list, so let’s take this one by one.

The easiest thing to fix is that last bullet.

If a trainer is treating you poorly, stop paying them and find a new trainer!

It really is that simple. While shame or guilt based “motivation” may work for a few people, I will go out on a limb and say the majority of people won’t react well to it; Kat is a perfect case in point!

It’s also important to remember that not only are you paying a personal trainer for their service, but you are also going to develop a rapport with them over time.

Just like in any other circumstance, some people you are going to like and some people you just aren’t going to click with.

Most trainers will completely understand if after a couple of sessions you decide they aren’t for you; so if you aren’t really digging the vibe with a specific trainer then go find one that suits you better!

Now onto the specifics of Kat’s workout plan…

Kats Success Story - The Jerd

The 6 day a week exercise plan – Depending on someone’s goals I can go either way on this. The minimum someone should be working out is 3 times a week, and I personally think that 4-5 times is what people should be shooting for. 6 times a week means you have to be extremely meticulous in dividing up your routines so that muscle groups still have the proper recovery time, and it’s more suited for people with extremely lofty goals (and a short period of time to reach them) or athletes.

I told her that unless she loved being in the gym that much, she could cut back and still be successful.

An hour of cardio every day – While I was on the fence about the whole 6x a week in the gym thing, this is where I started shaking my head. Kat’s trainer told her this was “how she lost weight” and that’s why she was prescribing an hour of elliptical therapy a day.

I pointed Kat to the article about being “Skinny Fat” and reminded her that weight-training is much more effective for weight-loss and overall health than mindlessly running on a treadmill.

Eating 900-1000 calories a day – This is where the Jerd-Rage set in and I got angry. Unless Kat was a member of the Lollipop Guild there was no way that 900 calories a day was healthy for her; especially considering how much she was exercising! Not only was it not healthy, she was also miserable… always hungry and irritable.

I told Kat to stop starving herself and to take 15 minutes and calculate her individual BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), then figure out how many calories she should be eating on a daily basis (Science!)

So how did that advice work out for her?

Kat’s Results

Kats Success Story - Unikitty - The Jerd

Right after we talked she took a week off and went to Vegas on vacation, and when she came back she adjusted her routine based on the advice she garnered from reading The Jerd and she posted this on her Facebook wall:

“What did the Jerd teach me? I’m starving myself… the BMR and Calorie scale says I should be eating about 1600-1700 calories a day to LOSE weight – oh my.”

And then a couple of weeks later she made this update:

“Since following the advice on The Jerd (please check out the website it ROCKS) I have dropped 5 pounds! I am no longer KILLING myself on the cross-trainer and work out with weights – and I feel great! AND Friday my Doctor finally took me off one of my blood pressure meds! My BP was running at 90/55 in the A.M. and at night at my peak stress was 128/88 – which is completely normal for ANYONE!

So I have to say – after spending A LOT OF MONEY on a trainer and not going anywhere, some free advice from a good friend and his great website – YIPPEE!”

Think about it – she almost doubled what she is eating daily, reduced how long she is in the gym dramatically, began to regulate her Blood Pressure (which I am convinced was out of whack due to the fact she was basically starving herself) and lost 5 pounds in a couple of weeks (even with a trip to Vegas in the mix!)

Most importantly, she said she is now feeling great.

So let’s give Kat a warm round of applause for taking some Jerd-Wisdom to heart and hope she quickly meets her goal of another 10 pounds shed!

What about you? Do you have a success story, or personal trainer horror story, you would like to share?

I’d love to hear them!

Let me know in the comments below or email me directly! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site)!

(Photo #1 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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PPS: Looking for detailed advice on how to eat healthier and lose weight? Grab a copy of the Heroes’ Transformation Guide now!

The Keys to Running: The Walking Dead Escape

… aka How I Enjoyed Burning Calories While Not Getting Eaten By Zombies 

The Walking Dead Escape 2013 - The Jerd

It is I, your old pal the Mighty Jerd, and I have decided to wrest control of The Keys to Running series away from regular contributor Brian Kehs for the day.

So strap yourselves in while I weave a gripping tale of the zombie apocalypse, an obstacle course, ninja rolls, running shoes and survival.

Now if you are a regular reader, and have been paying any sort of attention, you would know just how much I hate running. Seriously… I hate running with a passion.

But that being said, there are always exceptions to any rule and The Walking Dead Escape just happened to be one of them!

So why did I decide to put one foot in front of another repeatedly at a high rate of speed?

What exactly came over me?

Last year at San Diego Comic Con we walked past Petco Park multiple times; seeing all the signs, and the people lined up to partake in The Walking Dead Escape.

It looked intriguing but I hadn’t heard about it ahead of time, so I didn’t get a chance to really see what it was all about. Primarily because downtown San Diego is nothing but a sprawling expanse of shiny objects all vying for your attention during Comic-Con.

For this year’s SDCC though, I made sure to sign up in advance so I could check it out.

Since my wife and I were going to be in San Diego for 5 days, and I knew that anything more than quick hotel workouts just weren’t going to happen amidst the craziness of Comic Con, I figured that in addition to being a cool experience to add to my personal Heroes Transformation journey it would be a good way to get some solid exercise in between all the nerdy goodness I was going to partake in.

Not to mention it just looked cool as hell!

So how did this little adventure unfold?

The Walking Dead Escape

The Walking Dead Escape

While I don’t want to spoil too much of the experience, because a large portion of the enjoyment was directly related to the secrecy the course was shrouded in, I do want to provide a little insight into what the event is all about and just how absolutely fun it was.

Going into it I knew the following things from the website:

  • It was a race
  • There were going to be zombies
  • There were going to be obstacles
  • Some people were paying a crapton of money for the VIP zombie experience

That was about it, and the people working the registration desk weren’t much more forthcoming about what was going to happen within the walls of the stadium either. All they told me was that the course was 30-45 minutes, there were a bunch of different obstacles setup and to not get touched by the army of zombies waiting inside.

This brings me to the most important thing I can say about this event for people thinking about giving it a try – You “win” by making it to the end of the course without getting infected.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes you; there were a lot of people who thought speed was going to be the key and who “lost“. So don’t let the fact you aren’t “a runner” scare you off!

Success isn’t measured by how fast you run! It’s measured by not becoming zombie food!

I got there a little early for my wave and took 10 minutes to warm-up quickly and to see what I could ascertain about the course from the street level.

Peeking through the fences I could see one of the obstacles (a tower climb), a few burned out cars and some zombies (or “walkers” if you want to be technical) shuffling around.

Not a lot to go on but what I did know was that they were not joking around with the SFX for this.

Every zombie I saw looked like it stumbled right of the set of the The Walking Dead and into Petco Park (I came to find out that the crew from the TV show was there doing the zombie makeup… how cool is that?!?) and a lot of them were downright creepy.

As I waited for my group to line up at the entrance, it was obvious when the earlier groups before me started; the echoes of sirens and loud screams filled the air as each group began making their way through the zombie apocalypse.

As I huddled with my wave, waiting to be brought to the first staging area to get our “briefing”, I looked over the participants.

The crowd was alive with nervous energy and very diverse, both in age and in apparent physical fitness. Like I said previously, what really set this race apart was the fact that it seemed like fun for everyone and not just for those pre-disposed to running.

The other thing that really stood out to me as being a major bonus to the entertainment?

The crowd itself.

I find that when doing these types of themed events that if you, and the rest of the crowd, immerse yourself in the situation (role-playing if you will) that the enjoyment factor increases exponentially… and let me tell you, there no better crowd than a Comic-Con crowd!

After 10 minutes or so of getting to know each other, and speculating on what potentially awaited us, we all gathered inside the gate of the stadium and it was time to…

Try Not To Get Eaten

The Walking Dead Escape 2013 - Photograph by Jeff BrownIt all began with us receiving a briefing.

The story is that the military is evacuating you and your group of survivors, and it is time to the evacuation facility and await transport.

We were ushered inside and hurried along, coaxed by bull-horns and the yells of evacuation personnel, and almost right away it became obvious that the screams I had heard from previous groups were not contrived… I’m not going to spoil it but the event kicks off so fast, and with such surprise, that everyone immediately adopts a frantic fend for yourself mindset and IT IS ON!

In the beginning there were a few times where I felt bottle-necked (which added to the suspense) but after the first 2-3 minutes the people have spread out sufficiently that you settle into “packs” who seems to be taking things at approximately the same pace.

One of the keys to surviving is teamwork, as there are zombies everywhere trying to get you.

There were multiple times throughout the course where people had to employ a little teamwork and play cat-and-mouse with packs of zombies, drawing them away from obstacles or doorways so that other people could make it through without getting infected.

Essentially this is a giant game of tag, with all of the zombies being “it“.

I came to find out that they all had an invisible substance on their hands, visible only under black light, and that was how success or failure was indicated at the end of the race. At the very end a blacklight was run all over you and you were inspected, if you were clean you were declared a winner!

This allowed people to finish the race out even if the zombies “got them” and honestly at the end of my wave, the ratio of survivors to people who ended up infected was pretty small.

Being able to run fast, while helpful, was definitely not the only deciding factor between life and death as a lot of people who just bolted ahead quickly found out!

In addition to avoiding hordes of shambling zombies (and the sneaky ones hiding around corners and waiting behind doors) there were multiple obstacles to deal with as well.

Don’t let that dissuade you though; in keeping with the event’s theme of being fun for all the obstacles were mostly pretty low-key.

The main intent being slowing people down and allowing the zombies to attack as you climbed down a steep ramp, making your way through rooms filled with vision obstructing stacks of crates or scampered over burned out cars.

The obstacles were pretty well spaced out, and there were two “zombie-free” zones along the way with cups of water for people who felt they needed to take a break. Another nice touch I thought.

Just like a movie, the events built and challenges became more and more intense as the course unfolded culminating in that final epic stretch.

The spectators lining the walls yelling encouragement (and more than few waiting to see people get zombified), the evacuation point within sight and nothing but 5 wrecked cars, piles of concrete jersey walls and 20 or so zombies in front of it. After a 20 minute run I thought it was the perfect way to close this out, so I took a breath and took my shot at surviving the zombie apocalypse.

So how did I fair?

Am I typing this while suppressing an overwhelming urge to eat brains?

Rather than trying to explain it, why don’t you go ahead and just watch instead!

Now, does having such a great time doing this event mean I am going to start running regularly?

Hell no! But it’s nice to know that under certain circumstances even the most hated of exercises can be, not only be tolerable but, downright fun!

Not to mention, I totally plan on doing this again next year (click the link for a video run-through of the 2014 course).

If you are interested in giving this event a shot (I really can’t recommend it enough), head over to The Walking Dead Escape website and see where the nearest event is taking place.

I promise you won’t regret it!

So if something cool like this can get me to actually run, I am positive there is some activity out there for each and every one of you!

Let me know in the comments what cool physical activity that surprised you with how fun it was… and if you have ever run The Walking Dead Escape, let me know how you felt about it!

Let me know in the comments below or email me directly! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site)!

(Photo #1 credit,Photo #3 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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PPS: Fan of the Walking Dead TV show? Here’s a fun way to keep fit while watching the show!

The Top 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face

Well my loyal readers, it’s time for what you’ve all been waiting for!

I am proud to announce the first of many E-books coming your way; all of them designed to give you the tools necessary to succeed at getting fit and healthy!

While I think I do a pretty good job laying the foundation of healthy living here at The Jerd, I realize that it sometimes can get a little difficult digging through hundreds of articles to find what you need… and E-books let me package a lot of great, in-depth, information together for you in an easy to read format.

First up?

7 FITNESS OBSTACLES NEWBIES FACE… and the supervillains that cause them.

And because I 100% confident that you are going to find a ton of value in this volume, I am offering it for FREE.

That’s right, I said free!

All you have to do is sign up for the Jerd-Herd Mailing List (spam-free of course).

Now, I know a lot of you are thinking “What’s the catch?” The honest answer is – There is no catch!


You sign up for our mailing list, you get the book. No tom-foolery. No shenanigans. No shady bait-and-switch tactics.

I am convinced that not only will you find this information invaluable, but you will also happily put up with the monthly email I send out recapping what’s been showcased here on the site. So how do you get this epic tome of awesomeness?

Just enter your email below!

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Inside you will find a ton of information that will immediately arm you with the tools you need to get started on your Heroes Transformation journey.

I don’t want to spoil it for you, but I am pretty sure this is the only fitness e-book you are going to find that references Star Wars, Batman and Wonder Woman… so don’t wait, who knows how long this will be available!

Also, while you are at it don’t forget to subscribe to the new YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+!

PS: If you want some more in-depth advice on how to eat healthier and lose weight then I recommend grabbing a copy of the Heroes’ Transformation Guide!

How To: Become a Real-Life Superhero Pt 1

Heroes Transformation Journey - BatmanOne of the tag-lines we use here at The Jerd is “Go from geek to real-life superhero.

I spend what could be considered an inordinate amount of time referring to people undertaking their own personal Heroes Transformation journey (in fact our 8 Laws of the Jerd-Herd are specifically designed to govern this process), but I realize that I have never sat down and defined exactly what this journey actually is.

So sit back, grab a healthy snack and get ready for a long ride!

I am going to break this up into multiple parts, and try to make it as entertaining as possible, so as not to put you to sleep with my ramblings. I hope when we are done with this exercise that you have a much more defined sense of purpose to help guide you to success.

First things first, the most important thing for you to remember is… you are the hero!

What’s the Definition of a Hero?

Before we can assign the title of hero to ourselves, it’s important to grasp exactly what we mean by that. Now, there are a lot of different ways people define exactly what a hero is:

  • The chief (male) character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize.” – Oxford Dictionary
  • A hero kills people. People that wish him harm. A hero is part human, part supernatural. A hero is born out of a childhood trauma or out of a disaster and must be avenged.”Dwight Schrute
  • A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”Joseph Campbell

Now while Joseph Campbell’s definition might seem a little grand for our purposes, that is where my inspiration for the Heroes Transformation comes from (which, along with this series of articles, is deeply rooted in Mr. Campbell’s ‘Heroes Journey’.)

If you aren’t familiar, then definitely check out his book “Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation” because it is fantastic!

A hero is someone who has made a decision to change his or her life and become even more awesome.” – The Mighty Jerd

How Does Being a Hero Change Things?

As you get ready to embark on your fitness journey (or any journey for that matter, be it a new business venture a bold move to an unfamiliar place… whatever!) it is vital that you change the way you see yourself.

You aren’t some innocent bystander, watching your story unfold from the sideline and you aren’t a side character with a small, and ultimately inconsequential to the main plot, storyline.

No… You are the hero of this tale dammit, and you are going to start acting that way!

When you think about all your favorite stories, the heroes (even the most reluctant ones) all end up having a code of some sort they live by… a way of addressing problems that stand in the way of their goals.

So if you think about your own personal fitness journey from that perspective, how do you plan to do things differently after you don the mantle of the hero?

These are all very important questions!

The hero does things differently than the average Joe, and if you’re going to embrace the fact that you are the hero of your own story you need to start acting differently than you have in the past.

That change in attitude can very well mean the difference between success and failure!

Now, of course you can embark on a journey towards better health and fitness without actually embracing this philosophy; that’s completely fine.

But if you want to play this like a sidekick, you can’t expect that this will turn out any differently than any attempts you might’ve made in the past (and a lot of times the side character in a heroic journey gets eaten by a dragon or something. Just sayin’.)

Don’t get lost inside your own life looking outward for heroes. Never forget, you are the hero of your own story!

What Does the Term “Hero” Mean to You?

How to Become a Real-Life Superhero

Even unlikely heroes like Neil from “The Legend of Neil” have a code!

I don’t know about you but one of the main reasons I am attracted to comic books or movies is my admiration of the hero, his ideologies, and the fact I know he will overcome what lies before him.

I see qualities in these characters that I like to think I possess, or wish I possessed, within.

Whether it is Superman‘s noble altruism, Captain Jack Sparrow‘s keen ability to talk his way out of any situation that befalls him, Red Sonja‘s aptitude for kicking ass or Kwai Chang Caine‘s almost inhuman self-discipline.

Your favorite heroes are a spectacular place to start looking for traits or qualities that you want to embody yourself.

I mean, there is probably a reason they are your favorites… right?

There is something about them that calls to you… whether its the fact you see a spark of recognition because you too already hold that quality somewhere inside, or maybe it’s due to admiration because secretly (or even not so secretly… I mean I’m pretty vocal about wanting to be Batman. Don’t judge me!) you wish you were more like them.

So why don’t you just take a minute and list them out?

Just grab a piece of paper and start scribbling. List your favorite heroes (and the trait that defines them to you) from books, movies, comic books, mythology… and most importantly,  from real life!

Now take the top three that appeal to you the most and assign them to yourself.

Write them down and tape them to your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your computer monitor… wherever you will see them each and every day. Let these be a constant reminder that these are the things that define the real-life superhero you want to become. If you are having a hard time envisioning yourself as the hero, you can even take it one step further.

Turn it into a daily affirmation, a mantra if you will, that you repeat to yourself everyday!

Let’s use me as an example here…

I highly admire Batman‘s unflinching resolve and sense of justice, Theseus‘ courage and determination to never take the easy way out and my grandfather for his tenacity and drive to always do things himself… and if I boiled those down into three words that apply to my fitness journey, they would be:

  1. Determined
  2. Brave
  3. Self-reliant

So for me, that would turn into “I am a determined, brave and self-reliant hero.” I need to believe that.

It needs to resonate within my very soul!

I need to truly believe that no matter how hard I find a workout to be, or how tempted I am by a meal I know is going to sabotage me, that I can put my mission above my desires (be they to quit or satisfy my sweet-tooth) and stand resolute like Batman.

I must embrace the fact that even if I am afraid of failure, or that I might look silly or weak the first few weeks I am in the gym learning how to exercise properly, that the courage that allowed Theseus to face the Minotaur bare-handed will see me through.

Anytime I feel like I am not sure what to do next I will remember that my grandfather, the man who taught himself so many trade and life-skills on his own, would always first try to learn and understand something for himself before just taking someone’s word for it.

Let The Journey Begin!

Heroes Transformation Journey - The Shire - The Jerd

So now that you have defined what being a hero means to you, let’s go back to Joseph Campbell’s “Monomyth,” or hero’s journey, for a minute.

The first step always begins with our hero-to-be living some sort of mundane existence, usually in a place they don’t want to be (Ex – Luke Skywalker living on his uncle’s moisture farm on Tatooine). They then experience some sort of “Call to Adventure“; this is where destiny summons the hero.

This could be:

  • Deciding on their own to accomplish some adventure as Theseus did when he heard about that Minotaur
  • By getting sent abroad by an agent of fate like Odysseus was by Poseidon
  • A mere blunder or tragedy, a stroke of fate, be it a seemingly benign phenomenon that catches the wandering eye, or an event that transforms the person to their core and leads them down the road less traveled.

So for our purposes your “Call to Adventure” could be anything.

Maybe carrying in the groceries left you out of breath? Perhaps your doctor, or a loved one, pointed out that your life habits are putting you in danger of serious health issues? Perchance you aren’t happy with what you see when you look in the mirror?

Whatever it is that set you on the road to becoming a real-life superhero, you are ready to take the first step.

I want you to firmly believe, deep down in your heart, that the moment you set foot on this path that you became something new. Something better!

I will be right here to show you the way and help you when you need it. Now go forth and be even more awesome than you already are.

Be a hero!

Check out part two of the How To: Become a Real-Life Superhero series right here.

But before you do I want you to let me, and all the other aspiring Jerds out there, know what kind of hero you are going to transform yourself into, so speak up in the comments below!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the new YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+!

(Photo #3 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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Fitness Lessons from LEGO-land

Fitness Lessons from LEGO Land 1 - The Jerd

I think pretty much everyone can agree that LEGOs are awesome!

Doesn’t matter if you are a boy or a girl, an adult or a child; they are one of the greatest toys ever made.

When I was a kid they were fun, but they were nowhere near as cool as they are now. Back in ye olden days they were all primary colored blocks, and you were lucky if you got an angular piece.

Building anything more complicated than a house with a flat roof was difficult at best.

Now though, with enough pieces and a healthy imagination, you can build almost anything.

It’s crazy!

You can get motors, servos, axles, gears, couplers, even freaking robotic computers to control your creations! On top of all that there are even LEGO engineering camps…

(Just look what people build now, I could barely build a castle!)

So what does this have to do with health and fitness you ask?

Well, let me tell you!

You Have to Hunt Down the Right Pieces!

Want a Japanese castle with ninja crawling all over it? There’s a kit.

Need the Delorean time-machine from “Back to the Future”? There’s a kit.

Just have to have a “Star WarsSuper Star Destroyer? There’s a 3152 piece kit.

No matter what you are trying to do with your life, there is a “kit” for you!

  • Want to lose weight?
  • Want to get ripped and look great into a bathing suit?
  • Want to bulk up?
  • Want to have the energy to run a half marathon?

You just have to look for the correct pieces.

Just like no two people are the same, no two results are going to be achieved using the same methods!

A person looking to shed some fat is not going to follow the same diet plan as someone looking to add muscle mass to their skinny frame. A power-lifter looking to increase the max weight he can lift is not going to follow the same strength and conditioning program that a gymnast is going to use.

So depending on what you want to build it could be relatively easy to find what you need, or it might be a monumental pain-in-the-ass.

Want to build a LEGO Firetruck? Then a simple set that can be found at any Toy’R’Us will hook you right up.

Have a burning desire to snap the hard-to-find 1230 pieces of the LEGO Shuttle Expedition Set together? Then you are probably surfing Amazon or looking for one to pop up on eBay.

Regardless, with a little vigilance you will be able to secure all the pieces you need to make your LEGO dream a reality!

LEGO fun fact: There are 62 LEGOs for every person on earth!

The same goes for your fitness goals. You might have to spend a little time hunting for the appropriate program or method to help you achieve your goals, but thanks to the Internet and science there is sooooo much knowledge available to us. You just have to do the legwork to find it!

Remember what I said about the LEGO of my youth? The same can be said about fitness and health.

Back then all we had was Charles Atlas and the disingenuous food pyramid. Now, we have so much scientific data and individualized programs at our fingertips that there’s always going to be something available to meet your needs.

For example – Let’s say you woke up one day and decided that, even though the only time you have ever run was to catch the neighborhood ice cream truck, you want to run a 5k race. Then you order the detailed training program, “5K Training For Beginners: From Couch To 5K Runner In 8 Weeks Or Less”, and get on your way to meeting your goal (while I have never read this book, I know a lot of people who have great success following this plan).

Or what if you know you need to go to the gym but you have an insane work schedule that makes it nigh impossible? Then you track down a home-workout program (like our very own Nerd-Core Fitness workouts) and fit that into your schedule instead of making excuses.

How about if your diet is a wreck and you literally don’t know where to start to turn it all around? Then you grab a copy of our Heroes’ Transformation Guide and get with the program!

Once you have collected all the pieces you need…

You Can Build Anything!

The Mighty Jerd chilling in a LEGO Shire at SDCC 2013

The Mighty Jerd chilling in a LEGO Shire at SDCC 2013

Once you have the right pieces, and with enough time and determination, you can build whatever your imagination desires!

No matter how daunting a task it might seem seeing a giant pile of LEGO on the ground, the great thing about them is that building a massively cool structure or scene is very systematic in execution.

You simply start snapping pieces together one by one.

Much like putting a puzzle together, the simplicity can be very soothing; and the fact that you can see your creation take form piece by piece is very satisfying!

When people first decide they want to get fit, they often have a vision in their head of what the “end state” should look like – ripped abs, bulging biceps, shapely thighs, etc… and ofttimes it feels like that finish line is so far away that people will get discouraged.

This is when the LEGO approach really helps!

Remember that every piece you snap into place is one step closer to finishing your LEGO masterpiece, just like every ounce you lose or extra pushup you can do is bringing you closer to achieving your fitness goals.

Don’t worry about the 2817 pieces laying in a jumble on the floor, you will get to them, instead focus on the 235 pieces you have assembled and appreciate the progress made instead!

Also, don’t ever feel like you are beholden to building a “kit.” If you have something in your mind and you can’t find an all-in-one solution then get creative; half the fun of building things with LEGOs is letting your imagination go wild anyway!

If you want to build a LEGO Batcave… no, you can get one of those… Temple of Doom… nope, that too… Death Star? Yep, you can drop major coin and buy that too. Castle Grayskull… no way there is a He-Man Castle Grayskull kit. There is? Arrrgghhh!

Okay, how about a tree crashing through a 3 story Victorian house? Fine, then just grab as many free pieces and kits with the right color parts and get to creating!

The point is, don’t limit yourself. If you decide you want to become a parkour runner, while losing weight and developing flexibility you’ve never had then do it!

Don’t get discouraged, or be put off, just because there isn’t one book or website that will give you all the pieces you need.

Just go about diligently gathering all the pieces you need (which is this example would be pinning down a proper diet, finding a stretching program you can stick with and finding and joining a parkour studio or group) to make your personal dream come true.

Also, make sure you don’t forget…

It’s More Fun as a Group Activity

Fitness Lessons from LEGO Land 4 - The Jerd

I remember sitting in my room as a child, snapping LEGOs together and building all sorts of crazy contraptions.

Have no doubt, it was definitely a fun way to spend an afternoon but it was so much more satisfying doing it with a friend or two!

Whether it was collaborating on some massive sculpture or competing against each other to see who could come up with the craziest vehicle, it was always more enjoyable and the time always flew by much faster.

The same is definitely true when it comes to working on your fitness goals! Think about it, even the mightiest of heroes accomplish more when they team up, why should you be any different? Having a buddy or two dedicated to a healthier lifestyle alongside you will keep you motivated, accountable (an “accountabili-buddy”?) and  provides an often necessary sense of camaraderie.

Motivation – I don’t know about you but the thought of waking up at the crack of dawn to get a run in or to lift some weights is less than appealing, and often so is the thought of doing it after an especially long day at work. Luckily with a couple of buddies, or in a group class setting, even if you show up to a class or gym session exhausted from the rigors of everyday life you will tend to re-energize once you join in.

Not only are you more motivated to actually stick to your diet and exercise, there’s also the motivation to improve! If you work out with people who are healthier and more fit than you, you are probably going to get in better shape faster than you would have just trying to slog through it all on your own!

Accountability – I remember when I was in high-school I would sleep right through my alarm every day (I honestly don’t know why I even had one) and my mother would wake me up every morning. She was keeping me accountable and on track (I don’t think I would have graduated without her yelling through my door!) A friend or a workout group serves the same purpose.

I speak from experience here, trust me.

There have been many a day when I might have skipped a workout or a training session if it weren’t for the fact that I knew I would catch grief from my workout partners. Never underestimate the fear of ridicule from friends!

Camaraderie – Human beings are social creatures; even most introverts crave being around other people in small doses. We all love to joke around, laugh and have fun… and as mildly twisted as it may sound, nothing brings people together quite like shared hardship and physical suffering. This is why people get so excited for boot-camps or similar style classes (try one, you’ll understand what I’m talking about); people sign up to get more fit and end up making friends through this mutual ritual. It really is one of the best ways to meet people, develop a common bond all the while getting into real-life superhero shape!

So while yes, stepping on a LEGO can cause a few spontaneous jump squats (and a steady stream of obscenities) I hope you see there’s a lot more you can learn about fitness from this awesome toy!

Let me know what your favorite LEGO kit is in the comments below!

Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the new YouTube channel, follow me on Twitter, like us on Facebook and Google+!

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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Fitness Supervillains: Dr Unachievable

I spend a lot of time here at the Jerd talking about the Heroes Transformation (going from geek to real-life superhero) and trying to find the right people to join our Superhero Team of Awesome. People willing to put in the time, energy, and effort to actually follow through with the steps necessary to get fit and healthy!

If you want to be a superhero though, you have to be ready to square off against the supervillains that are going to stand in your way to victory! So now that we have started to gather some momentum, and more and more people are getting on track, I thought it would be a good idea to showcase a few of the most common fitness supervillains that will stand in your way… and how to defeat them!

Since I want to ensure you don’t fall prey to these villainous pitfalls and that you stay on track, over the next few months I will be assembling profiles for all the members of this rogue’s gallery.

First up…

Dr Unachievable!

Luckily this particular fitness supervillain is easily defeated (here are my tips for proper goal setting) and rarely tries to get in your way once you beat him into submission the first time.

So what should this nefarious team of evil-doers be called? Hit me up with your suggestions in the comments below! As always, make sure to spread the Jerd word to anyone you know that might need a little help or encouragement with living a healthier life! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel, like us on Facebook and Google+, follow me on Twitter and be sure to Sign up for our free newsletter! (Word on the street is that next month, all subscribers get a free e-book!)

Signed by the Jerd




What I Learned at San Diego Comic Con 2013

aka “Why I Am So Excited!”

San Diego Comic Con 2013I have tapped my fingers on the keyboard, only to delete what was written, more than a few times since my plane took off from San Diego beginning the long journey home to the east coast.

If you have never been to a convention like this before, especially one of this size and filled with your peers, it is really difficult to explain exactly why it is such a big deal.

I think Tony Kim, over at Crazy 4 Comicon, really summed it up best when describing his first time to Comic Con.

He managed to put into words, better than I ever could, what SDCC actually means; and now it is over. Almost a year of build up, the stress of getting tickets, the anxiety of obtaining one of the coveted hotels in the downtown area… it has all come and gone once again and, truth be told, my brain and body is still a little fuzzy!

That’s right, Nerd Prom 2013 has come to a close and while I am sad it is over, I am beyond excited for The Jerd: Year Two!

Since this site was forged in the fires of SDCC 2012 it is only fitting that I let you all in on how it was and why I am so pumped for things yet to come!

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