Life is a Game… Enjoy It!

Life is a GameVery often the articles I write are inspired by a conversation, a TV show or commercial, a tweet or a website I happen stumble upon while traversing the dark and scary depths of the Internet.

So this past weekend, while I was surfing the vast ocean known as the World Wide Web, I found myself reading an interesting site that reminded me of how important it is to enjoy life.

And when are people usually enjoying themselves the most?

When playing a game!

Now, I have talked in the past about the importance of finding a physical hobby that you enjoy but I think it is good to occasionally remind ourselves to simply embrace life itself with childlike exuberance.

Personally, I like to view my whole life as a giant game. Let’s think about it:

  • You get to be any character you want. (Well, maybe you can’t really be a Orc Necromancer… but you get the idea)
  • It’s a giant sandbox; you can go explore and do whatever you want, whenever you want.
  • It has limitless multi-player possibilities.
  • It has all the requisite, built-in, social networking features that seem to be all the rage these days.
  • It might be hard, but it is never impossible.
  • It’s meant to be enjoyed!

The reality is, as we get older we forget what it is like to be a child. We get caught up in daily obligations, immersed in inter-personal drama and burdened with having to be “an adult“! I am not justifying shirking your responsibilities, rather I am saying remember to take the time and at least play. If you can turn your life into a game, even better!

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Nerd-Core Fitness: The Perfect Squat

Last week I promised I would continue updating the original Nerd-Core Fitness 101 workouts with videos, instead of pictures, and here is your next installment of instructional video goodness!

This time around I am going to show you how to do another near perfect exercise, the squat! The foundation of any leg workout (including this beginner lower body workout), the squat is an exercise that you should be doing regularly; no skipping out on leg day! This particular exercise is so important because it:

  • Targets multiple muscle groups (quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves to name a few)
  • Requires no equipment at all to get started
  • Can be scaled to fit your fitness level easily (Just increase speed or quantity… or add weights! Stay tuned for how to incorporate dumbells and exercise bands to ratchet up the difficulty!)
  • Will help you develop a super-heroic backside (Looking good in a spandex and a cape is hard, so get to it!)

Bask in YouTube glory!

I will continue, over the next couple of weeks,  to edit all the past workout articles and embed videos detailing the proper form for each exercise. Keep working hard, and please let me know if there is any other way I can make your journey from geek to real-life superhero any easier!

I want you to try to work towards being able to do at least 20 proper squats in a row without stopping (I think that’s a reasonable first goal)! You might hate me a little bit at first, but once your legs start shaping up you will thank me. Also, if you have bad knees or an injury, check with your doctor to make sure that this exercise is right for you.

Let me know if there are any exercises you have questions about or want covered in the comments below, or just declare your squat goals for the world to see (public accountability is a wonderful thing!) Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel (there will definitely be videos that don’t appear in articles, so don’t miss out!) follow us on Facebook or Twitter and be sure to Sign up for our free newsletter! (No spam, I promise!)

Signed by the Jerd




Don’t settle for “Skinny-Fat”!


No way the Dr. would tell Steve Rogers he was “fit”.

I know common wisdom would have you believe that overweight = unhealthy and thin = healthy. If only it were that simple!

Now, does a skinny person have all the health risks associated with obesity?

Of course not, but that doesn’t automatically mean they are in the clear just because they aren’t lugging around an extra 75lbs on their frame.

While we know that 68 percent of the American population is overweight (a fact that makes me shudder), and that many are dipping their toes on the diabetes pool, the really shocking news from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association is that nearly 1 in 4 skinny people have pre-diabetes and are “metabolically obese!”

Want to be even more depressed?

If you are a skinny-fat person and get diagnosed with diabetes, you have twice the risk of death than if you are overweight when diagnosed with diabetes. How much does that suck?!?

Imagine if Captain America or Wonder Woman were beanpole’s with no muscles to speak of, and suffering from insulin spikes left and right? If that were the case they wouldn’t be able to punch evil in the neck and save the day! So I think we can agree that if we are going to go from geek to real-life superhero we need to avoid this horrible trend.

The good news is that skinny-fat is easy to spot and fix!

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Nerd-Core Fitness: The Perfect Pushup

Never let it be said that I do not listen to my loyal Jerdlings!

Awhile back I asked what would make workout related articles more useful, and the resounding answer was videos!

So I have decided to go back and redo the original Nerd-Core Fitness 101 workouts with videos, instead of pictures, just for you!

First up is how to do a proper pushup (or the “perfect pushup” if you will), which is only exercise in the beginner upper body workout. There is a reason why in every 80s style training montage (be it Batman, American Ninja or Rocky) you will see people doing pushups. They are an amazing exercise! They:

  • Target multiple muscle groups (arms, chest and shoulders)
  • Require no equipment at all
  • Can be scaled to fit your fitness level easily (videos for advanced pushup techniques are coming; stay tuned!)

Bask in YouTube awesomeness!

Over the next couple of weeks I will be editing all the past workout articles and embedding videos detailing the proper form of each exercise. As well as using that platform to bring you new and exciting workouts and tips for you to try at home! Keep working hard, and please let me know if there is any other way I can make your journey from geek to real-life superhero any easier!

So let’s work towards being able to do at least 15 pushups in a row without stopping (I think that’s a reasonable first goal)! Your arms, chest and shoulders will thank you for it! Let me know if there are any exercises you have questions about or want covered in the comments below, or just declare your pushup goals for the world to see (public accountability is a wonderful thing!) Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel (there will definitely be videos that don’t appear in articles, so don’t miss out!) follow us on Facebook or Twitter and be sure to Sign up for our free newsletter! (No spam, I promise!)

Signed by the Jerd




Iron Rations: Healthy Pasta with Tomatoes and Zucchini

In today’s installment of Iron Rations we are going to look at a surprisingly easy, yet tasty, recipe that can will satisfy your carb cravings while still being good for you. Score!

As I have said repeatedly in the past, eating clean and healthy is the most important aspect of any fitness regimen. No matter how hard you are working out, if you are fueling yourself with tons of sugar and processed foods you are not going to see the progress you want! So when you get that craving for carbs, instead of going to the Olive Garden and feeling lethargic and (hopefully) guilty after shoveling a giant plate of cheese covered death chicken carbonara into your maw, try this fresh and healthy pasta dish instead.

Pasta w/ Tomatoes, Zucchini and Shrimp

This great dinner tastes great, takes minimal ingredients and reheats easily! It clocks in at about 485 calories, provides approx 19 grams of protein/10 grams of fiber/60 grams of carbs and only takes a half an hour to whip up. What more can you ask for? (And don’t say “For you to come make it for me…” because it’s not going to happen slapnuts!)

Prep Time = 20 Mins Cook Time = 10 Mins Total Time = 30 Mins

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“How Many Calories Should I Eat?” Part 3

How Many Calories Should I EatIn the last two articles in this series (catch up on Part 1 & Part 2 if you haven’t read them yet!) we spent a lot of time doing math and figuring out the science behind exactly how much you need to eat to stay alive and fuel your daily activities; maybe a little boring, but do you think Tony Stark just guessed how much energy it would take to power the Iron Man armor? Of course not, and neither should you!

I know what you’re thinking, “So now that we have all this data, how do we actually use it to our advantage?” Well, here is what I recommend you do next if you are serious about getting your eating habits in control and marching forward down the road to becoming a real life super-hero!

Keep Track of What You Eat!

If you’re looking for a starting point, this is it. Now, I have extolled the virtues of food journaling already, so I won’t beat you about the head again with why it is such an important tool… but starting first thing tomorrow, I want you to start keeping track of every thing you put in your mouth (seriously, everything.) You see, most people have no idea how much they actually eat! So I want you to take 5-7 days and record absolutely everything, so that at the end of the exercise you can calculate what your average daily caloric intake actually is. Now (this is important, so listen up), even though it might be difficult I want to you to make sure when you are reviewing your journal that you aren’t judging yourself or rationalizing your choices.

It doesn’t matter if Monday is Milton in accounting’s birthday and that is why you had that giant slice of tasty chocolate cake or that your pet goldfish, Jaws, died and you that’s why you powered down an entire carton of Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food to numb the pain. I am not discounting that life often seems like it is conspiring against your health goals, but at this point in our Heroes Transformation we are just trying to understand our bodies, habits and what we need to adjust to reach our goals. The slippery slope of justifications will just make it easier for you to revert back into bad habits! We need to approach this as scientifically as possible. So just gather the data, don’t judge it.


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Eating Healthy While on Vacation

Editor’s Note: Summer is here, and that means vacations! Guest author, Cole Millen, has some solid tips for you on how to stay on track… so heed his wisdom and check out his blog, Cole’s Mill, when you get a chance for more of his musings on travel and food!

Eating Healthy While on VacationThe entire point of a vacation is to interrupt the daily grind of life and hit a “reset” button.  Things like eating healthy and exercise are just two of them, but it’s so easy to let them slide.  It is, after all, a vacation.  Time to cast aside all the worries of daily life.  Eventually, all good things (including vacations) must come to an end, and it will be a rude awakening if certain habits like exercise and healthy eating have not been kept up.

If you are traveling by air, eat a healthy meal before you get to the airport. This will minimize the likelihood of you raiding the vending machines and snack shops for cookies, chips and other fatty items. Also, stash a few healthy snacks like raisins, nuts and sunflower seeds in a plastic baggie and put them in your pocket just in case you get hungry while you are waiting for your flight. The airport can be a very difficult place to find healthy food. Make sure to look for grilled chickens and salads whenever possible.

If you are traveling by car, pack a cooler full of your favorite health foods. This will keep you from swinging by fast food joints and ordering greasy burgers and fries. Turkey on whole wheat, low fat yogurt, water, carrot sticks and boiled eggs are nutritious options you might consider packing. Also, avoiding fast food places at all costs is very important. Even the salads that you order from fast food joints are processed and not good for you.

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“How Many Calories Should I Eat?” Part 2

So last week in “How Many Calories Should I Eat?” Part One  we established the fact that a calorie is simply a unit of measurement, that is is neither good nor evil and that approximately 3500 of them equals about 1 pound of fat. While we didn’t get into discussing the quality of said calories, when broken down to its basest level it doesn’t matter for this part of the discussion; so…

“How Many Calories Should I Eat?”

How Many Calories Should I EatLike I said in the last installment, this is an extremely common question; don’t feel bad if you don’t know how to figure the answer out. That’s why I’m here for you!

The way you are going to figure this out is by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate and then adjusting for how active you are. Yes, I know you probably just wanted me to give you a number and then call it a day, but that’s not how it works! Caloric intake is highly individualized; so yes, you are going to have to do a little math. So suck it up and let’s take a look at how we are going to calculate this mess!

First up is figuring out what that mildly ominous sounding Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is. The basic gist of the BMR is that it is tells you how many calories your body uses to stay alive… or in other words, how many calories your base bodily functions burn while you lounge around all day reading comic books or binge watching old TV series on Netflix. Unless you are bed-ridden this is only part of the number crunching we are going to have to do, but for desk-jockeys who don’t get much exercise, it’s a good starting point.  So what exactly is this magic formula? Luckily you don’t need to recall your college trigonometry class, because we have the Internet! *cue the angel’s choir*

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“How Many Calories Should I Eat?” Part 1

How Many Calories Should I Eat?If there is one question health and fitness coaches hear more than any other it is – “How many calories should I eat?” (Followed closely by “Do I really have to watch what I eat and workout? Can’t I just take this supplement instead?” But that’s an entirely different article!)

It doesn’t matter if you hate shopping in the Big & Tall stores for your clothes, if you’re a mom wanting to lose that post-pregnancy weight, if you are tired of being the super skinny kid, if your doctor told you that you need to lose weight before your heart explodes, or if you woke up and just weren’t happy with what you saw in the mirror.

Whatever the rationale, you want to make a change and you’re not alone!  Look, every day thousands of people make the decision to start eating better and changing their weight… there’s a reason the diet industry is a $20 billion per year juggernaut, and there’s a reason why you’re here looking for tips on how to join our team of aspiring real-life superheroes! You see, the average “dieter” makes four attempts a year top lose weight. I will let that sink in… on average, people that want to lose weight make a concerted effort 4 times a year! Now, let’s assume that they all succeed on the 4th attempt (which is most definitely a bad call) that means 9 months of the year was spent doing it wrong! (And a good portion of that time was probably spent wasting time on fad diets)


Because those thousands of people have absolutely no clue what they’re doing! 

Don’t be discouraged, it’s perfectly understandable; there are so many variables to consider:

  • Is “low-carb” the way to go?
  • What about the food pyramid?
  • Is gluten really evil?
  • Why do donuts taste so good?
  • Do I eat 5 small meals a day or 2 huge ones?
  • What is this juice diet everyone is talking about?
  • Should I be taking supplements?
  • Can I eat before bed or not?
  • Do I count all of my calories?

Now we have talked about the basics of eating right in the past, but that is obviously is just the beginning. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper, but in the interest of not biting off more than we can chew (see what I did there?) we are going to limit the conversation to calories and what they mean to you!

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Fitness Lessons from Scranton!

The Office Jim Halpert Fitness WWJHDDunder-Mifflin fitness tips? What sort of crazy talk is this!?!

Cool your jets aspiring Jerdlets and hear me out!

So tomorrow night marks the end of an era for a lot of people… NBC’s juggernaut T.V. series “The Office” will finally came to a close; a fact that is giving me a serious case of the feels. So before I get all choked up saying goodbye to all my friends in Scranton I wanted to look at the series through the eyes of a motivational fitness blogger and pull some lessons out for you all. Because that’s just how I roll.

For the last 9 years I freaking LOVED “The Office“.

Something about it spoke to me and I was on-board since its humble beginnings, through its stellar run of mid-series seasons, all the way to its unfortunate stumbles towards the end. A show about the doldrums of everyday life but that was hilarious? A show with characters and situations I could relate to even though I had never worked in a north-eastern Pennsylvania based regional paper company?

Pure brilliance as far as I am concerned!

It has become that warm mental blanket of comfort that I will let stream in the background on Netflix as I am folding laundry or while I am laying on the couch if not feeling well; it is the show I can quote from memory without a second thought. What’s not to love about it?

I know what you are thinking. “Okay Mr Mighty Jerd sir, I am happy you found a show you liked… What does this have to do with fitness?”

Calm down Slappy, I’m getting to it!

You see, as the show progressed I came to realize, in my opinion, that Jim Halpert (played by the affable John Krasinski) is one of the all time greats as far as TV characters go. Funny, smart and charismatic without coming across as bigger than life.

Looking back, I realize that his relationship with Pam and his rivalry with Dwight have fueled more laughs with people, and provided more potential bonding moments with friends, than any other cultural phenomenon in a long time (I avoided “Lost” like the plague, so I dodged that water-cooler chat bullet)!

Recounting his antics on the show week to week has become something of a tradition for me. He is the character everyone loves, the one that everyone wants to know in real life, and the one that everyone wishes they could be as cool as. To me that is the sign of a masterfully written character!

Well, guess what? Today is the day that I help you embrace your inner Halpert! I going to teach you how to get fit by infusing your life with a little ‘Scrantonicity’! Read more

The Keys to Running: Running Accessories

“Where does he get those wonderful toys?”

Let’s face it… geeks like love toys! From gadgets to video games, when a geek immerses himself in a hobby it is usually accompanied by a plethora of cool and cutting edge accessories. So here are all the running accessories I use when running. It might seem like a lot for someone who advocates “just get out and run!!!” but the setup is trivial, and nothing here is intrusive or distracting from the joy of putting feet to pavement.

Toys for Tracking Workouts

Running Accessories - Nike+ SportbandNike+ Sportband – The Nike+ Sportband is a very functional, lightweight wristband/watch that communicates with the Nike+ sensor, and tracks distance, calories, and pace, and you can save that data to the Nike+ web site, which will track each and every workout. I love this thing because it has everything I need without getting in the way. It’s a nice first step into the world of running technology as its functions are simple, and starting and stopping are as easy as holding the button down!

The obvious omission from something like this is the lack of GPS functionality. As I have relatively few routes that I know well, the added benefits of GPS don’t help a whole lot for me. I generally don’t map my runs, and the few that I do have interest in I can create manually. It would be a great nice-to-have feature, but not something I need at the moment.

(Check them out here on

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Reader Mail Bag #1

I think it is high time to introduce a new series of articles to the site.

*cue drumroll please*

*dramatic pause*

Reader MailThe Reader Mail Bag!

That whole lead-up, drumroll, dramatic pause thing really doesn’t work when you write it out does it? Oh well, let us not allow that fizzled intro to detract from the point of this post; answering some reader mail!

Today we have two great questions from some loyal readers, so let’s see what they want to know and if I have any advice for them.

“So, some girl friends of mine at work are all talking about eating healthier and being more active. We are each making small adjustments in our lifestyles. One of the topics we were debating on were supplements, is there a need to take supplements? If so which kinds? With all of the fads going on…I think the latest I heard was raspberry ketone???…is it something I should look into?

I love reading your articles, I find them very helpful and have recommended your page to my friends.” – Tammy

Thanks so much for the feedback Tammy! I’m both glad that you are trying to get healthier and that you are finding the advice here helpful!

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Food Journaling

Food JournalingAnyone who has been reading this site for any length of time understands the basics of weight loss.

Eat less calories than you burn.

Simple right?

Well, I am going to make a bold statement here… Most people have no clue how many calories they eat in a day!

They might think they do, but if I was a betting man I would wager that they would be wrong 90% of the time. This isn’t a knock on anyone; it’s just that if you haven’t taken the time to assess your eating habits pretty closely you just haven’t developed the skill-set necessary to do so.

If you ask someone what they ate the day before they will inadvertently omit things and it is those calories that can quietly sabotage you!

Here is a real world example for you, stolen from a personal trainer friend of mine.

He had a client, a middle-aged woman, who had been training with him for a couple of months. She was visiting him 3 times a week for serious strength and conditioning training and while definitely getting stronger, and looking more toned, but she had barely lost any weight in that time; it was driving my friend nuts! He had given her a basic meal plan to follow, and she swore up and down she had been following it. At his wit’s end, he made her start food journaling for a week so he could really dig into the problem and get his client the success she wanted.

After a week the problem was quickly identified and man, what a surprise it was!

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Awesome New Projects!

Ahoy there loyal readers (who I obviously am assuming are perusing this site from some sort of naval vessel)!

I wanted to take a moment to keep you up to date on the latest ways I am trying to help you, and the geek world at large, get healthier! We have three things in the works here, each with a slightly different focus, in different stages of completion. So here is what you can look forward to in the days and months to come!



This is a collaboration I am ridiculously excited about!

I have partnered up with the geektastic Shaun and Laura Rosado from to help document their journey to a healthier lifestyle and weight. Every week I will be joining them on a podcast we are calling GeekFit, where we will be discussing things like goal setting, eating habits, how to deal with plateaus and really just how to not suck at eating (whether at home, while gaming or at a convention).

They will be documenting their journey with me on their site, giving you full access into their victories and setbacks (and I can’t applaud them enough for their attempt at public accountability). So if you want to follow along with a cool couple starting from the ground floor on their journey to a healthier life come join us. I promise we will be gentle… ish.

So let the sweet dulcet tones of my voice caress your earholes with some solid advice on how to get healthier. The first episode is live on iTunes or you can find it right here!

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Unleash Your Fitness Alter Ego!

Fitness Alter Ego

Artwork by the amazing Danny Haas

I was talking to my boss the other day, and he told me he finally realized why I just disappear immediately after work and am unreachable by phone or email until late at night. I chuckled and offhandedly told him it was because I was a superhero. He knows I train martial arts, but I guess it just took awhile to sink in that I have a life outside of my job! It immediately got me thinking; my life, in many ways, is very similar to the super powered heroes that live on the pages of my favorite comic books.

  • I disappear from my home and my job, and am unreachable, for hours virtually every day.
  • I have a special uniform that I wear only when I am at the gym.
  • I fight people.
  • I often crawl into bed late at night, bruised and exhausted, long after my wife has fallen asleep.

That train of thought led me to the realization that, in a lot of ways, going to the gym or participating in an activity is very much like a superhero shedding his secret identity and donning his costume!

We set aside the trials and tribulations of the mundane world, put on a “costume” and proceed to get sweaty and sore. I don’t know about you, but it certainly sounds like a normal day for the likes of Green Arrow or Daredevil to me.

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The Keys to Running: Taking a Break

Exercising on vacationOr as we like to call it, exercising on vacation!

Taking a vacation doesn’t necessarily mean taking a vacation from exercise.  It may require some changes to your routine, but it’s always worth it.  During a vacation to the Walt Disney World Resort earlier this year, the following things kept me motivated and allowed for some exercise during the trip.

The Humble Pedometer

Back in my first post on running, I made the following off-handed, throw-away claim:

“Ever spent an entire day at a large theme park?  Congratulations!  You unwittingly participated in a 10K!”

I hadn’t entirely validated that statement, but it seemed reasonable, and illustrated my intent to show that you probably are more capable than you realize.

In reality, I was wrong. The distance covered wasn’t 10 kilometers, it was closer to 10 miles!

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How To: Recover from a Workout

how to recover from a workoutSince I have been dealing with a few back-end site hiccups the past two weeks I thought I would use it as a round about way to discuss the importance of an oft-times overlooked, but vital, component of a fitness regimen. Recovery time!

First off, before I lay out how to recover from a workout, let’s talk about what really happens after a workout and why we get sore.

Muscle soreness (not the burn you feel while performing an exercise, but that sucky dull ache we all experience the day after a workout) is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise. After the workout, the muscle begins to rebuild itself. This is the process which creates new muscle that is bigger and stronger than before. In other words, the pain you feel is your muscles growing! Unfortunately this soreness is proof of a successful workout as it means you’ve trained hard enough to break down muscle tissue; so now, as a result, you are rewarded with muscle growth. Yay!

Luckily the human body is an amazing machine that adapts to whatever you throw at it. So don’t worry true believers, the workout that initially felt like it crippled you will eventually be a walk in the proverbial park. The cruel joke of it all though is that we need to constantly “shock” our body with new exercises in order to steadily stimulate muscle growth and improve our fitness level. So expect the soreness to return every time you try something new at the gym. It is a never-ending cycle, but there is definite truth to the old adage “No pain, no gain!

The good news is that there are ways to cut down on the miserableness of post-workout soreness, so let me arm you with a little knowledge on how to recover from workouts and to help mitigate the suck factor.

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