Iron Rations: 3 Quick and Healthy Chicken Dishes

Look! A quick chicken. Get it?

Look! A quick chicken. Get it?

One thing I commonly hear when talking to people who say they want to eat better is this:

“I would eat healthier but it takes too long to cook!”


It just takes a little forethought and kitchen know-how.

The first step to eating healthy is making sure your kitchen is well stocked (here are some kitchen essentials that are always present in my larder). It is very easy to let the temptation of convenience over-ride your desire to be healthier. Don’t fall in the trap of ordering take-out because you let your refrigerator’s contents dwindle!

As I have noted before, I am a big fan of the chicken bird and almost always have some in the house ready to supply me with lean protein goodness. Now, just like everyone, I am often busy and on the go; so the routine of thawing chicken and then preparing it just doesn’t work for me. Instead, once a week I will prepare my chicken ahead of time so that it is ready for me when my stomach starts grumbling!

Depending on how many people you are cooking for this obviously is going to change, but since these quick and healthy chicken dishes generally act as my lunch  this is all based on servings for one person.

I will cube 3 whole chicken breasts (skinless of course) and throw them in a big frying pan or stainless steel wok with 2 tbsp of olive oil, then I season them to taste (I generally add 2 tsps of minced garlic, sprinkle liberally with italian seasoning and grind some black pepper over it all) and cook it all up. Then I toss it all in a Tupperware container in my refrigerator. Voila, chicken to last the entire week in about 15 minutes!

Here are 3 healthy and tasty dishes using that chicken as a base, ranging from a light 275 calorie salad to a hearty 500 calorie meal, that you can whip up in under 10 minutes.

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The Basics of Getting in Shape

Basics of Getting in ShapeNo matter what endeavor you want to talk about, one universal truth will hold true – People hate learning/practicing the basics!

Martial arts? “Don’t tell me to stretch for 30 minutes a day and then do 1000 front kicks to get proper form… show me how to spin around in the air and hit multiple targets at once with my foot of death please!”

New Language? “I don’t want to spend months learning basic grammar and fundamental vocabulary… tell me how to form complex sentences and argue about politics and religion immediately!”

Art? “I don’t have time to spend hundreds of hours doing perspective, shading, and color hue exercises… just give me a canvas so I can get right to my career as a comic book cover artist!”

Sounds ridiculous, but as someone who has taught martial arts for many a year and provided art tutoring in his younger days, I can’t count the number of times those sorts of conversations have come up. The worst culprit of all though is the fitness n00b*. Those conversations usually sound something like this…

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Momentum: The Secret to a Healthy Life

The Secret to a Healthy LifeThere are a lot of secrets to a long and healthy life; some common sense and some not so much. Look across the internet and within the pages of fitness and health magazines and you will see everything from Amazonian superfruits to bizarre yoga poses being touted as that month’s super-duper secret that you have been missing out on! It is that promise, that whatever the flavor of the month exercise or food is the missing ingredient in your life, that hooks you in and gets you to buy whatever product is being sold. It is human nature to feel as though a simple fix is all you need. (But that’s a topic for another day!)

The reality is though, while all those things very well may help you, none can compare to this one simple truth that trumps all else. Are you ready for it? The secret to a healthy life? Because you might be surprised at the knowledge I am about to drop on you!

(If you read the article title, not really though… I suck at surprises.)
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Iron Rations: A Simple and Healthy Breakfast

Healthy breakfast eggs and spinachEggs. The staple of so many people’s morning ritual.

Unfortunately these miraculous packages of protein and amino acids are often partnered up with stacks of pancakes slathered in butter and sugar sauce, southern biscuits soaked in heart-attack inducing gravy, covered in tons of cheese, etc…

Since everyone knows that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” (Thanks non-stop 1980s TV advertising), and we all should be aware that shoveling piles of empty carbs and buckets of cholesterol into our faces is not the way to treat our bodies, then it is a simple conclusion that we want to partake in a healthy meal to start our day. Right?

So rather than waking up and immediately punching your metabolism in the throat with a maple syrup covered fist, how about you start the day off right and eat one of my personal favorite 5 minute healthy breakfasts instead?

Eggs w/ Sautéed Spinach

I know the phrases “5 minute” and “healthy” probably seem to be in conflict with each other; in a lot of people’s minds, Fast Ave. does not intersect with Healthy Blvd. When people think of a fast breakfast they think Poptarts (I shudder at the thought) or a bowl of cereal, not a hot filling meal that starts the day off with a healthy dose of protein and an assortment of vitamins and minerals.

Trust me, it is quick and easy; here is how you whip this up!

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Iron Rations: Top Kitchen Essentials

Kitchen Essentials Healthy Grocery ShoppingI fondly remember shopping with my mother when I was growing up; wandering the aisles of the grocery store watching her toss endless boxes and bags into the cart, always hoping that if I was good that I would get to pick a comic book from the spinning rack near the checkout. It’s a very simple, and pleasant, memory for me.

My mother did her best to make sure our family ate well. Don’t get me wrong, she wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination (she refered to corn as a vegetable, we lived on white as snow bread, and there was a lot of super sugary canned fruits in the pantry at all times) but she did what I like to think was her best.

I distinctly remember:

  • We never had soda in the house
  • She would never buy my brother or I any cereal with chocolate anything or bits of marshmallow
  • If we wanted something sweet she always preferred we had fruit or a granola bar instead of a cookie.

Sounds good, right? In a very limited capacity it was, but not really…

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Are You the Best?

I have a serious question for you.

If you aren’t the best at something, is it worth doing?

I am pretty sure that most of you, after thinking about it for a moment, will come to the same conclusion as me. Of course!

All or Nothing FitnessThink about it; if there wasn’t a point to doing something unless you were the best at it, then you probably wouldn’t do 99.99999% of the things you do (My apologies to anyone who is the best at something. My bad.) For example, I like to play FPS games like Gears of War and Call of Duty on Xbox Live. I also get shot in the face; a lot. I am far from the best, or even from top-tier (let’s be honest, I kind of suck) but I keep doing it because I find it entertaining.

Here’s another, more pertinent, example; I train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu very seriously and I also compete both locally and abroad internationally. I do so with moderate success, but I am far from a being a World Champion. So why do I keep doing it and pushing to be better? Because I enjoy both the activity itself and the benefits I reap from it!

So why is it when it comes to personal health and fitness that people take an all or nothing approach? I can’t count the number of times I have heard people lament that they just aren’t going to do anything because they don’t think they can ever have six-pack abs? (“You’re dreaming about gorgonzola cheese when it’s clearly brie time baby!” Anyone? 7 minute abs?!? “There’s Something About Mary“?!?!? Come on people!)

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The Keys to Running: In the Cold

Running in the ColdIf ever there was a good reason to skip a scheduled running workout, the most obvious would be that it’s just too cold outside.  No two bones about it, running in the cold sucks! Now obviously if you live in a warmer climate this isn’t a problem, but for a lot of people it’s a convenient obstacle to deal with and even more convenient excuse. (Of course you don’t want to run when it’s storming, snowing or icing either, but statistically speaking those are pretty rare events; so stop being argumentative.)

Be Flexible

This seems obvious, but pay attention to your workout routine!

It’s far too easy to get stuck in a rut, even if (actually more like especially if) you regularly exercise. For instance, I am a morning runner; I typically finish my run before the sun comes up.  As fall ends and winter begins, it gets increasingly darker and colder as the days go by.  Eventually it just gets too cold out, and I have to give up my outdoor morning run.  I have to find the time after work, on weekends, or move it indoors to the treadmill (see below).  The key here is that I didn’t just stop and wait for spring to arrive, which would have been the easy thing to do.  The weather is changing, you can change also!

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The 8 Laws of the Jerd Herd

It’s hard to believe we are celebrating our 6 month anniversary! I want to take a second and thank everyone that has supported us, and welcome all of our new readers!

I have gotten a lot of questions of late regarding what exactly it is that I am trying to accomplish through my mindless ramblings about pushups, pullups and superheroes so I thought it would be a perfect time to write out a mission statement of sort. Laying down some Jerd Law so to speak!

Jerd Law

So take a minute (or 10, it’s a little long) and read over the 8 Laws of the Jerd Herd and get started on your own personal Heroes Transformation if you haven’t already. We are just getting started and there are a lot big things on the way!

Signed by the Jerd




Diets Don’t Work Dammit!

Diets Dont Work - Darth Vader

How’s that for a catchy article title?

There really is no other way of putting it to be honest; if you are trying to lose weight and/or get healthier a “diet” is not going to give you the results you really want (and in some cases might actually be a detriment to your goals in the long run).

Now, I am not talking about long-term diets specifically designed to manage certain aspects of your health like low sodium diets, gluten-free diets (assuming your doctor has actually put you on one and you are not drinking dirty hippie water and jumping on a bandwagon), etc… I am talking about the never-ending parade of nonsense programs like those claiming to get people into bathing suit shape in 3 months.

These and all the other ridonkulous claims out there are a sham, a fake, a dissimilation I say!

Lego Hulk angry at stupid question!

Lego Hulk angry at stupid question!

Why am I so incensed right now? Well I am glad you asked!

Now that we are a couple of weeks into the New Year, and people are already trying desperately to cling to their poorly constructed New Year’s Resolutions (check this article out if you need some help sticking to or restructuring yours), the pleas for help are flooding the social media airwaves!

If I see one more supposedly intelligent adult blindly asking random people on the internet “What diet should I try to help me lose weight?” I am going to have a Jerd-Rage induced aneurysm.

The simple truth is diets don’t work. They never have, they never will.

So let’s dive into where they fall short and what you can do to avoid wasting time and effort on these sorts of food based shenanigans!

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Iron Rations: Healthy Meal on the Go

So back in the first installment of Iron Rations we discussed the basics of how to improve your diet and to start properly fueling your body; I am sure that came as a surprise to no-one, and I am pretty positive we all know the general benefits that eating healthy have on us. Another thing I am pretty positive of is that most people, when trying to make a change in themselves, make some bad choices when it comes to planning out their meals!

Life is hectic for all of us, and more often than not we rush from one obligation to another throughout our day and week. So what tends to happen is that people, once they start making healthier diet choices for themselves and working out regularly (Which you all are, right?!? If not, get the over to Nerd-Core Fitness and get with the program!), will start skipping meals if they don’t have a “healthy” option in front of them that they can grab and cram in their face-hole in under 3.67 seconds.

While this is definitely better than nom-nom-noming on a candy bar or stopping at a crappy fast food drive-in, it is certainly not the best thing for you; especially if you make it a common occurrence. I will post up an article on exactly how your body metabolizes food and why skipping meals can actually cause you gain weight, not lose it (counter intuitive, I know…), but for now I want to provide you loyal readers with a quick and healthy meal on the go option in this installment of Iron Rations!

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More Holiday Survival Tips

Survive the HolidaysWell, my Jerdlings, we have one more holiday outing left in 2012; and that means one more potential excuse to make bad health choices under the guise of social convention.

Back before Thanksgiving I offered up some insight on how to Survive the Holiday Dinners, but I thought it would be good to expand on that a little and offer up some quick tips on getting over this last speed bump of the season. This way you can start the New Year off right by immediately making resolutions you know you will never keep and failing miserably at them by mid-February setting a positive tone and showing some willpower!

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Beginner Fitness Goals – A Guide

Seeing as the Mayans were wrong, and I am not humming an Aerosmith song as an asteroid hurdles towards Earth, I decided to reach back today and share a guest post on beginner fitness goals that I wrote for Glenneth Reed over on her blog “Let’s Talk and Walk“. With the inevitable weight of New Year’s resolutions and the like start pressing on people’s shoulders I figured it would be a good time to explain how to set goals that are actually achievable!

So sit back, let this sweet Jerd wisdom caress your brain and stop being a n00b when it comes to setting and managing your beginner fitness goals

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The Keys to Running: Running Workouts

In order to improve your overall fitness level and progress as a runner, you will need to vary your workouts a bit.  There are many other types of runs in addition to the ones listed below, but these should definitely give your workout some variation and help improve your time, your speed, and strength!

Hill Workouts

Running up hills is a great way to increase strength and increase your cardio-vascular system capacity.  It also has a meaningful effect on the power producing muscles, the kind that will allow you to ‘kick it’ in the last 200 meters of a race. Running down hills might seem like a no-brainer, but there is some skill involved here as well!  It can improve your strength, your balance, and teach you how to find your center of gravity (you may feel yourself leaning back more than usual, or leaning forward to overcompensate).  Downhill repeats can help you improve the efficiency of your run, and focus you on your pace and cadence.

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How To: Survive the Holiday Dinners

How To Survive the Holiday Dinners - The Jerd

The holiday season is upon us, and that can mean a veritable death sentence for your diet if you aren’t careful!

So what can you do to avoid a massive derailment of your personal fitness train?

How can you brave the diabolical onslaught of Doctor Mashed Potato and his evil sidekick Gravy-Boy?

How Do You Survive the Holiday Intact?!?

First and foremost it is important to remember that is okay to enjoy yourself; having a commitment to a reasonably healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to eat like a monk and forgo all edible pleasure.

Unless you are an athlete, or on a strict diet due to an upcoming competition of some sort, all you need to do is remember to just moderate what you cram in your pie-hole.

The goal should be to enjoy yourself and make it out of the giant calorie-fest with both your waistline and relationships with family members still intact.

Behind Enemy Lines

How to Survive the Holiday Dinners 2 - The Jerd

I find that often the hardest part of the family holiday get-together is not necessarily the menu, but the absolute disregard for your personal health choices from other members of your family.

I don’t know what it is about someone trying to be responsible with what they put in their bodies, but it really seems to upset those who aren’t as vigilant on the health front.

Personally, I think that so many people know they should eat better and when someone else shows the willpower to do so in their presence it makes them uncomfortable. Rather than make the effort to build themselves up they take the much easier route of tearing you down.

I don’t believe that this is usually a conscious decision, but it is a very common occurrence nonetheless; and a frustrating one at that!

No-one wants to get into a discussion with their rotund Aunt Bertha about her butter-crusted apple pie…

No Aunt Bertha, your butter-crust sugar apple gut-bomb is delicious.

Of course I like your cooking. I just don’t need to eat it…

Please stop crying.

This is where the compromises and decisions need to come in!

Feel free to have a very small slice to meet social conventions (unless you have just managed to beat your sweet tooth into submission. Don’t reawaken that beast!) but make sure that if you know at the end of the day you are going to indulge that you prepare accordingly by avoiding other high sugar options earlier in the day.

No sodas, no candied yams, etc…

Just remember, willpower and portion control is the key to survive the holiday dinner (and avoiding the bread!) Pay attention to that and you should be golden!

One important point that I cannot stress enough though is this:

Making up for being bad, or un-planned cheating, is a flawed concept and a slippery slope that almost always leads to failures and setbacks!

Don’t use the holidays as an excuse to fall back into bad habits.

Don’t sabotage yourself!

Plan your meals for the day to accommodate the extra-large meal you know you are going have by eating a light breakfast/lunch full of fruit and colorful veggies (we all know the holiday meals are almost always nothing but protein and carbs) and by drinking a lot of water to help curb your appetite.

Don’t Be That Guy

How To Survive the Holiday Dinners 3- The Jerd

If you are the one who has the joyous responsibility of hosting people for a holiday meal, remember to not be that holier-than-thou jackass who only serves tofu and wheatgrass; no matter how healthy and responsible you are personally trying to be.

Just as it is very annoying to have inconsiderate people trying to push their bad dietary choices on you when attending their get together, it is just as rude to try and keep Aunt Bertha from her favorite 5000 calorie green bean casserole when she is a guest in your home.

Cook all the tasty fare that people expect on the holidays, just make sure to include some healthier options as well!

Have a lot of colorful veggies available, keep sauces on the side so people can regulate their intake, and just focus on your own portion control.

If you don’t think anyone else wants your avocado-tomato salad that you plan on eating, then just make enough for you and enjoy it as your family eats buttered and gravy covered mashed potatoes.

Remember, your commitment to health is a personal journey; lead by example, not through evangelization!

Who knows, maybe after Aunt Bertha sees that you can still eat tasty foods and be healthy she might want to start making a change for herself too!

So everyone out there in Jerd-land have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I sincerely hope you survive the holiday dinners before you with your commitment to a healthy lifestyle still intact. Let me know what you plan to eat during the holidays!

Drop a comment below and don’t forget to subscribe to get your FREE e-book!

Also check out our YouTube channel (if you want access to our Nerd-Core Fitness exercise videos), follow me on Twitter, and like us on Facebook and Google+ (there is content on both not available here on the site.) There are so many different ways for you to get your daily dose of Jerdly goodness so don’t miss out!

(Photo #1 credit, Photo #2 credit)

PS: Make sure to get your free e-book, “The 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face” by subscribing to our newsletter… no spam, I promise!

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Reverse Engineer Your Way To Life Success!

I am constantly asked for advice, or to act as a sounding board, by friends dissatisfied with the way they see their health going. It is frustrating to me, not only because I want to see them succeed and live a healthier life but also because of their inability to determine what the actual root cause problems are.

The reason so many people have trouble getting a handle on their routines/motivations/weight/etc… is because they haven’t embraced their inner Sherlock Holmes and deduced the actual issue at hand! Read more

The Keys to Running: Your First Race

By now you’ve picked up the running bug.  It’s a habit, and you are somewhat committed to it.  You physically feel better, and maybe you even enjoy it.  But now you need something more.  Something of a challenge.  You are going to sign up for your first road race.

Running Your First RaceWhere do I sign up?

There are a lot of places to find out about events going on that you may be interested in.  One of the best resources is the website  This has become the defacto online listing of race (and all sorts of other sports) events.  There will be listings by date, by distance, by age category, you name it. will show you just about every sort of race out there, so spend some time finding something that looks appealing.

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How To: Turn Your Life Into an Everyday Workout

Want to know my secret for always being in reasonably good shape no matter what? It is simple – I treat my life as an everyday workout.

Photo by Mike Baird

It really is that simple, I swear. For years people have asked me what I do to stay in shape and my answer was always “Stay active and eat reasonably well”; but last weekend something my wife said made me realize that there is a little more to it than that. I realized that I treat everything I do throughout the day as an opportunity to stay active and that it is the accumulation of that outlook on life that brings about such positive results. It is easy to fall into the trap of sitting behind a desk all day, feeling tired and always taking the easy way out of daily chores and activities; but if you are tired already, not spending 10 minutes here or there doing something isn’t going to cure that malaise now is it? No, it isn’t. So suck it up Nancy, make a childish game out of daily chores and expend a little effort turning your life into an everyday workout.

Over time you will see the results!

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