2014 Year in Review!

2014 Year in Review - The Jerd

2014 was the year The Jerd got serious.

I started this site two and a half years ago, with absolutely no plan whatsoever, with the only goal being to help some of my nerd friends live a little bit healthier. Since then it has blossomed into something I am truly proud of!

While I’m preparing to take more steps toward Internet domination in 2015, I wanted to take a look back at 2014 and relish in all the cool things we’ve done!

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Top 5 Things to Avoid Doing During the Holidays

Nothing causes more angst than the holiday season, and holds even more true if you are trying to get in shape and/or lose weight.

So here are five more tips to help you conquer the holiday season like a boss; all the while keeping your waistline, and sanity, intact!

Expect the Unexpected

Some of the biggest perils you face during the holiday season aren’t due to one or two big meals; instead, it’s because everywhere you turn holiday treats appear without warning.

Like a pack of sugar-coated ninja.

You will be minding your own business, staying on track eating right and exercising on a regular basis, and going about your day when BAM! Out of nowhere you are being assaulted by sugar cookies, brownies, and chocolate.

They appear on the receptionist’s desk, in the break room, in the doctor’s waiting room, on store counters in the mall… even at the gym — no place is safe!

So what’s a well-intentioned person to do when those black-clad health assassins leap out of the shadows with a sugary snack attack?

You need to be prepared with a flipping sweet sword by traveling with your own munchies.

Look, we know that these sneak attacks are going to happen. So instead of being blind-sided, travel with your own snacks if you are the type of person who feels out of place not participating in group snacking activities.

A bag of raw almonds, some carrot sticks, home-made trail mix or a piece of fruit will satisfy your desire to eat with your co-workers or friends while at the same time helping you avoid the less healthy choices that might present themselves.

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The Truth About Detox Cleanses

The Blueprint Cleanse

Dr. Oz’s 48 Hour Cleanse

The Clean Program

The Wild Rose Detox

The list of detox programs/diets/cleanses goes on and on!

It is a massively lucrative market dominated by special juices, drink mixes, pills, absorbing pads, shampoos and a wide assortment of celebrity endorsed products.

These toxin busting programs, whether you find them online, at a health food store, or at your yoga studio, all have one very important thing in common…

They are all full of crap!

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Why Being Weird Is Awesome and Empowering!

Why Being Weird Is Awesome!

I'm weird. Not in a "I like to swim in a baby pool filled with…
Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

How To: Train Smarter and Stay Injury Free

The older I get, the more important it is to me to stay injury…

How To: Turn a Setback Into a Success

Today I want to talk to you about setbacks... Last year I applied…

What Does The Word "Diet" Really Mean?

Continuing my quest to answer all of #TeamHooman's Twitter questions…