Product Review: Dipgrips (Do Dips at Home!)
Loyal members of the Jerd-Herd already know that I am a firm believer in the fact that you can accomplish super-heroic workouts in the comfort of your home, without having to spend a ton of cash.
And this product just cements that belief!
Dipgrips by Enigma Edge Designs
If you would have asked me last week what was the one exercise I wish I could do at home, but couldn’t, I would have said “dips” without a moments hesitation.
But no more!
Finally there is a simple, and space-conscious, solution that let’s me do my favorite upper body exercise in the privacy of my own home.
Yes, chair dips are always an option (in fact, they are a key exercise in the Nerd-Core Fitness 102 program) but they only target your tricep muscles. Utilizing proper form and dip bars though, you can turn this into a compound exercise and target not only your arms (triceps brachii), but also your chest (pectoralis major & minor) and shoulders (anterior deltoids)!
I have always lamented the fact that in order to bang out a few sets of dips I would either need to go to the gym or purchase a bulky, and expensive, dip station. But now I can do dips at home whenever I want.
It’s only been a week, but I already can’t imagine my home workouts without my Dipgrips!
Heroes’ Transformations: How Amanda Dropped 7 Dress Sizes
Meet Amanda, a consultant and Whovian with a FANTASTIC success story.
Amanda’s transformation started like so many others:
Amanda realized one day that she was unhappy with the way she looked and felt.
- She didn’t focus on the quality of the food she was eating.
- After work, Amanda would find herself napping on the couch instead of doing something productive.
- Amanda had self-image issues and needed to find a way out of the rut she was in.
Last year this all changed though.
She woke up one day and realized the person looking back at her in the mirror wasn’t someone she was happy with anymore.
Amanda then made a few habit and outlook changes that added up to an INCREDIBLE transformation.
So what happened?
Amanda is Unhappy
So last October Amanda faced a challenge all women seem to struggle with – finding a dress for a wedding.
“… I was shopping in Macy’s for a dress to wear to my friend’s wedding, and the only thing that even remotely fit me was a size 14. I had never been that big, and I was heart-broken.”
This is something that happens to so many people… the changes in their bodies are so subtle that it takes awhile to notice how far they have slipped. This is when Amanda reached out to me, downloaded the Top 7 Fitness Obstacles Newbies Face and started making positive changes in her life!
Clean Eating 101
I use the term “clean eating” a lot.
An argument could even be made that I overuse it.
But that’s because it is the single most important thing you can do if you want to get fit and healthy!
There is a good reason that the second Law of the Jerd-Herd is “We Eat Clean & Exercise Regularly“!
“We know that more than half the battle we have with ourselves is over what we cram into our faces on a daily basis. We know that unless we are fueling our bodies correctly, no amount of gym time will get us where we want to be.”
But you know what there isn’t good reason for? Me, not explaining what that really means. That has been an epic fail on my part, and today I rectify it!
What is “Clean Eating”?
Clean eating, in its simplest form can be boiled down to this:
Eat things that look like they did when they grew out of the ground, or eat things that eat the things that grew out of the ground.
It really can’t get much simpler than that!
Your regular diet should consist of: