Food Journaling
Anyone who has been reading this site for any length of time understands the basics of weight loss.
Eat less calories than you burn.
Simple right?
Well, I am going to make a bold statement here… Most people have no clue how many calories they eat in a day!
They might think they do, but if I was a betting man I would wager that they would be wrong 90% of the time. This isn’t a knock on anyone; it’s just that if you haven’t taken the time to assess your eating habits pretty closely you just haven’t developed the skill-set necessary to do so.
If you ask someone what they ate the day before they will inadvertently omit things and it is those calories that can quietly sabotage you!
Here is a real world example for you, stolen from a personal trainer friend of mine.
He had a client, a middle-aged woman, who had been training with him for a couple of months. She was visiting him 3 times a week for serious strength and conditioning training and while definitely getting stronger, and looking more toned, but she had barely lost any weight in that time; it was driving my friend nuts! He had given her a basic meal plan to follow, and she swore up and down she had been following it. At his wit’s end, he made her start food journaling for a week so he could really dig into the problem and get his client the success she wanted.
After a week the problem was quickly identified and man, what a surprise it was!
Awesome New Projects!
Ahoy there loyal readers (who I obviously am assuming are perusing this site from some sort of naval vessel)!
I wanted to take a moment to keep you up to date on the latest ways I am trying to help you, and the geek world at large, get healthier! We have three things in the works here, each with a slightly different focus, in different stages of completion. So here is what you can look forward to in the days and months to come!
This is a collaboration I am ridiculously excited about!
I have partnered up with the geektastic Shaun and Laura Rosado from to help document their journey to a healthier lifestyle and weight. Every week I will be joining them on a podcast we are calling GeekFit, where we will be discussing things like goal setting, eating habits, how to deal with plateaus and really just how to not suck at eating (whether at home, while gaming or at a convention).
They will be documenting their journey with me on their site, giving you full access into their victories and setbacks (and I can’t applaud them enough for their attempt at public accountability). So if you want to follow along with a cool couple starting from the ground floor on their journey to a healthier life come join us. I promise we will be gentle… ish.
So let the sweet dulcet tones of my voice caress your earholes with some solid advice on how to get healthier. The first episode is live on iTunes or you can find it right here!
The Mighty Jerd 103 (aka The Forging of a Geek)
That’s right nerds and nerdlettes, it is time for another scintillating edition of “Get to Know the Mighty Jerd!”
Over the past few months I have been slowly revealing bits and pieces of my origin story; the formative moments that established my copious amount of nerd cred. I have been doling out these bowls of awesome-sauce in small portions so as not to blind you with the epicality (it’s a word dammit!) of my tale; so this week I am going to pull back the tent flap a little more to round out the rest of my middle school years for you loyal readers. If you haven’t followed along with the story so far, give The Mighty Jerd 101 and 102 a thorough reading before you dive into today’s installment!