Iron Rations: 3 Quick and Healthy Chicken Dishes

Look! A quick chicken. Get it?
One thing I commonly hear when talking to people who say they want to eat better is this:
“I would eat healthier but it takes too long to cook!”
It just takes a little forethought and kitchen know-how.
The first step to eating healthy is making sure your kitchen is well stocked (here are some kitchen essentials that are always present in my larder). It is very easy to let the temptation of convenience over-ride your desire to be healthier. Don’t fall in the trap of ordering take-out because you let your refrigerator’s contents dwindle!
As I have noted before, I am a big fan of the chicken bird and almost always have some in the house ready to supply me with lean protein goodness. Now, just like everyone, I am often busy and on the go; so the routine of thawing chicken and then preparing it just doesn’t work for me. Instead, once a week I will prepare my chicken ahead of time so that it is ready for me when my stomach starts grumbling!
Depending on how many people you are cooking for this obviously is going to change, but since these quick and healthy chicken dishes generally act as my lunch this is all based on servings for one person.
I will cube 3 whole chicken breasts (skinless of course) and throw them in a big frying pan or stainless steel wok with 2 tbsp of olive oil, then I season them to taste (I generally add 2 tsps of minced garlic, sprinkle liberally with italian seasoning and grind some black pepper over it all) and cook it all up. Then I toss it all in a Tupperware container in my refrigerator. Voila, chicken to last the entire week in about 15 minutes!
Here are 3 healthy and tasty dishes using that chicken as a base, ranging from a light 275 calorie salad to a hearty 500 calorie meal, that you can whip up in under 10 minutes.
The Basics of Getting in Shape
No matter what endeavor you want to talk about, one universal truth will hold true – People hate learning/practicing the basics!
Martial arts? “Don’t tell me to stretch for 30 minutes a day and then do 1000 front kicks to get proper form… show me how to spin around in the air and hit multiple targets at once with my foot of death please!”
New Language? “I don’t want to spend months learning basic grammar and fundamental vocabulary… tell me how to form complex sentences and argue about politics and religion immediately!”
Art? “I don’t have time to spend hundreds of hours doing perspective, shading, and color hue exercises… just give me a canvas so I can get right to my career as a comic book cover artist!”
Sounds ridiculous, but as someone who has taught martial arts for many a year and provided art tutoring in his younger days, I can’t count the number of times those sorts of conversations have come up. The worst culprit of all though is the fitness n00b*. Those conversations usually sound something like this…
Momentum: The Secret to a Healthy Life
There are a lot of secrets to a long and healthy life; some common sense and some not so much. Look across the internet and within the pages of fitness and health magazines and you will see everything from Amazonian superfruits to bizarre yoga poses being touted as that month’s super-duper secret that you have been missing out on! It is that promise, that whatever the flavor of the month exercise or food is the missing ingredient in your life, that hooks you in and gets you to buy whatever product is being sold. It is human nature to feel as though a simple fix is all you need. (But that’s a topic for another day!)
The reality is though, while all those things very well may help you, none can compare to this one simple truth that trumps all else. Are you ready for it? The secret to a healthy life? Because you might be surprised at the knowledge I am about to drop on you!
(If you read the article title, not really though… I suck at surprises.)
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