The Keys to Running: In the Cold
If ever there was a good reason to skip a scheduled running workout, the most obvious would be that it’s just too cold outside. No two bones about it, running in the cold sucks! Now obviously if you live in a warmer climate this isn’t a problem, but for a lot of people it’s a convenient obstacle to deal with and even more convenient excuse. (Of course you don’t want to run when it’s storming, snowing or icing either, but statistically speaking those are pretty rare events; so stop being argumentative.)
Be Flexible
This seems obvious, but pay attention to your workout routine!
It’s far too easy to get stuck in a rut, even if (actually more like especially if) you regularly exercise. For instance, I am a morning runner; I typically finish my run before the sun comes up. As fall ends and winter begins, it gets increasingly darker and colder as the days go by. Eventually it just gets too cold out, and I have to give up my outdoor morning run. I have to find the time after work, on weekends, or move it indoors to the treadmill (see below). The key here is that I didn’t just stop and wait for spring to arrive, which would have been the easy thing to do. The weather is changing, you can change also!
The 8 Laws of the Jerd Herd
It’s hard to believe we are celebrating our 6 month anniversary! I want to take a second and thank everyone that has supported us, and welcome all of our new readers!
I have gotten a lot of questions of late regarding what exactly it is that I am trying to accomplish through my mindless ramblings about pushups, pullups and superheroes so I thought it would be a perfect time to write out a mission statement of sort. Laying down some Jerd Law so to speak!
So take a minute (or 10, it’s a little long) and read over the 8 Laws of the Jerd Herd and get started on your own personal Heroes Transformation if you haven’t already. We are just getting started and there are a lot big things on the way!
Diets Don’t Work Dammit!
How’s that for a catchy article title?
There really is no other way of putting it to be honest; if you are trying to lose weight and/or get healthier a “diet” is not going to give you the results you really want (and in some cases might actually be a detriment to your goals in the long run).
Now, I am not talking about long-term diets specifically designed to manage certain aspects of your health like low sodium diets, gluten-free diets (assuming your doctor has actually put you on one and you are not drinking dirty hippie water and jumping on a bandwagon), etc… I am talking about the never-ending parade of nonsense programs like those claiming to get people into bathing suit shape in 3 months.
These and all the other ridonkulous claims out there are a sham, a fake, a dissimilation I say!

Lego Hulk angry at stupid question!
Why am I so incensed right now? Well I am glad you asked!
Now that we are a couple of weeks into the New Year, and people are already trying desperately to cling to their poorly constructed New Year’s Resolutions (check this article out if you need some help sticking to or restructuring yours), the pleas for help are flooding the social media airwaves!
If I see one more supposedly intelligent adult blindly asking random people on the internet “What diet should I try to help me lose weight?” I am going to have a Jerd-Rage induced aneurysm.
The simple truth is diets don’t work. They never have, they never will.
So let’s dive into where they fall short and what you can do to avoid wasting time and effort on these sorts of food based shenanigans!