Reverse Engineer Your Way To Life Success!
I am constantly asked for advice, or to act as a sounding board, by friends dissatisfied with the way they see their health going. It is frustrating to me, not only because I want to see them succeed and live a healthier life but also because of their inability to determine what the actual root cause problems are.
The reason so many people have trouble getting a handle on their routines/motivations/weight/etc… is because they haven’t embraced their inner Sherlock Holmes and deduced the actual issue at hand! Read more →
The Keys to Running: Your First Race
By now you’ve picked up the running bug. It’s a habit, and you are somewhat committed to it. You physically feel better, and maybe you even enjoy it. But now you need something more. Something of a challenge. You are going to sign up for your first road race.
Where do I sign up?
There are a lot of places to find out about events going on that you may be interested in. One of the best resources is the website This has become the defacto online listing of race (and all sorts of other sports) events. There will be listings by date, by distance, by age category, you name it. will show you just about every sort of race out there, so spend some time finding something that looks appealing.
How To: Turn Your Life Into an Everyday Workout
Want to know my secret for always being in reasonably good shape no matter what? It is simple – I treat my life as an everyday workout.

Photo by Mike Baird
It really is that simple, I swear. For years people have asked me what I do to stay in shape and my answer was always “Stay active and eat reasonably well”; but last weekend something my wife said made me realize that there is a little more to it than that. I realized that I treat everything I do throughout the day as an opportunity to stay active and that it is the accumulation of that outlook on life that brings about such positive results. It is easy to fall into the trap of sitting behind a desk all day, feeling tired and always taking the easy way out of daily chores and activities; but if you are tired already, not spending 10 minutes here or there doing something isn’t going to cure that malaise now is it? No, it isn’t. So suck it up Nancy, make a childish game out of daily chores and expend a little effort turning your life into an everyday workout.
Over time you will see the results!