Iron Rations – Turkey with Roasted Potatoes
So in the first Iron Rations article I gave you the basics of how to improve your diet to start properly fueling your body. The benefits of healthy eating cannot be stressed enough, especially when you are working out on a regular basis (which I know you are… right? If not, get the over to Nerd-Core Fitness and get with the program!) More importantly we all know how we feel after we cram something horrible for us into our faces; guilty and lethargic are two words that come directly to mind.
Before I bore you to death with how to cook one of my favorite recipes, I will let comedian Jim Gaffigan bring the funny with an amusing look at poor eating habits:
There, now that you got your daily dose of laughter, let us get to today’s daily dose of nutritious goodness in this installment of Iron Rations!
How To: Develop a Healthy Routine
If there are two things I can say, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, it is that:
- Geeks are smart.
- Geeks have
greatterrible self-control. (As in the movie version of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” terrible!)
Everyone has routines, it is simple human nature. The problem is that a lot of them suck and are just not that healthy! Essentially routines are just complex strings of habits; and once you have a bad routine locked in, just like with a bad habit, it is really hard to break out of it. So why is it so hard, and what can an aspiring Jerd do to fix it?!?

Art by Rob Smith Jr
First we have to understand why we develop these bad habits in the first place.
The Keys to Running: Staying Motivated
There’s been a common theme recently at The Jerd about goals and motivation. I encourage you to read these posts:
So let’s explore how to stay motivated as it applies to running.
What’s the Big Deal? Just go do it.
Easier said than done. Distance running in particular can be either an exhilarating rush, or a mind-numbingly boring exercise in drudgery. It’s important to have *something* that motivates you through a 5K, 10K or longer workout. In my case my preferred 5K course is literally right outside my doorstep. I run this course at least twice a week, and have been for a few years now. I know every hill, every side street, and every street light. You’d think I’d be a little bored with it by now. Here are some things that motivate me to keep going.