
The Essential Clean Eating Shopping List

Essential Clean Eating Shopping List - Grocery Cart - The JerdOne of the biggest complaints I hear from people who say they want to eat healthier is that “It’s too hard!

I get it; if being fit and healthy were easy there would be no need for websites like this!

That’s why I keep coming up with new resources to make things easier, so you can save all your energy for crushing your workouts in the gym.

Regular readers should have already seen:

Well today I have another indispensable resource for you that should help make stocking your pantry with healthy and nutritious foods an easy task!

Remember, the food you put in your body is the fuel that keeps you going.

If you eat like crap you will feel, and look, like crap. End of discussion.

Making sure that a majority of the food you eat is nutrient rich means you will not only feel good, but you’ll start to see the results once these better food choices become a regular habit. Your diet is where it all begins; yes, exercise is super important but no matter how much you are in the gym you can’t outrun your fork.

So today I want to make your trips to the grocery store so easy, a caveman could do it (please don’t sue me Geico.)

Here’s my printable shopping list suggestions for your healthy, and clean-eating, needs!

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Clean Eating 101

Clean Eating 101 - How to Eat Clean and Healthy

I use the term “clean eating” a lot.

An argument could even be made that I overuse it.

But that’s because it is the single most important thing you can do if you want to get fit and healthy!

There is a good reason that the second Law of the Jerd-Herd is “We Eat Clean & Exercise Regularly“!

“We know that more than half the battle we have with ourselves is over what we cram into our faces on a daily basis. We know that unless we are fueling our bodies correctly, no amount of gym time will get us where we want to be.”

But you know what there isn’t good reason for? Me, not explaining what that really means. That has been an epic fail on my part, and today I rectify it!

What is “Clean Eating”?

Clean eating, in its simplest form can be boiled down to this:

Eat things that look like they did when they grew out of the ground, or eat things that eat the things that grew out of the ground.

It really can’t get much simpler than that!

Your regular diet should consist of:

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