
How To Build Positive Habits

We are fast approaching that time of year when not only will visions of sugar plums dance in your heads, but so will New Year’s Resolutions.

So I wanted to take the last article of 2013 and get everyone prepped for 2014!

I’ve talked about how to not suck at New Year’s Resolution before, and one of the key elements to success that I pointed out was to approach them as habit changes.

What I didn’t do, was spend a lot of time talking about how to actually do that though. /facepalm

So I wanted to take this time to rectify that omission by giving you some tips on how to build positive habits for a heroic and happier life!

How to Build Positive Habits and Be Happy

The Power of Habit

If you’ve been reading The Jerd for any length of time you know what you’re supposed to do to get healthy (and you are also obviously super cool!) :

And yet, time and time again people still find themselves struggling to make changes that actually stick!

In time I have been running The Jerd, I can’t count the number of times I have heard this:

“I know what to do, I just can’t seem to do it.”

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How To: Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions

Stick to Your New Years ResolutionWe are now almost a week into 2013 and I am already seeing friends and family complain about slipping on their resolutions.

It is a phenomenon that happens every year without fail!

I think studies show that something around a staggering 80% of all resolutions are unsuccessful; and while the science behind why your brain goes into cognitive overload when you lay down all those well-intentioned resolutions on your frontal lobe is fascinating, I want to focus on something a little more useful to my readers.

How to Not Suck at New Year’s Resolutions!

How to Not Suck at News Years Resolutions - The Jerd

That’s right Jerdlings, let’s break down what to do (and not to do) when it comes to this yearly cycle of fail and guilt.

I am sure you already have your list of resolutions, either in your head or scribbled on a piece of paper hanging on your refrigerator, but let’s take a few minutes to look at why you might be setting yourself up for a morale crushing failure; and even better yet let’s use this as an opportunity to revamp them in a way that will make you successful!

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How To: Develop a Healthy Routine

If there are two things I can say, without the slightest bit of doubt in my mind, it is that:

  1. Geeks are smart.
  2. Geeks have great terrible self-control. (As in the movie version of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” terrible!)

Everyone has routines, it is simple human nature. The problem is that a lot of them suck and are just not that healthy! Essentially routines are just complex strings of habits; and once you have a bad routine locked in, just like with a bad habit, it is really hard to break out of it. So why is it so hard, and what can an aspiring Jerd do to fix it?!?

First we have to understand why we develop these bad habits in the first place.

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