
The Avengers Workout

Avengers Workout

Captain America: The Winter Soldier opened this past weekend to great (and well-deserved) fanfare!

And each time a new Marvel movie is released, legions of geeks return to the proverbial well to re-watch all the cinematic superhero goodness that has come before.

Undeniably, the crown jewel of the “phase 1” Marvel Cinematic Universe is The Avengers. An incredible movie, and one that cemented the fact that high quality, epic superhero films are not only possible… but also financially lucrative beasts that are here to stay!

So why is slipping into the warm embrace of a fan favorite movie you have seen so many times so gosh-darned fantastic?

Well… first off, because the movie is ridiculously good. More importantly though is the fact that not only can you repeat the lines, but you already know what is going to happen; therefore you can multi-task during a viewing and not feel cheated! So why not turn this fan indulgence into an opportunity to further your own superhero physique with The Avengers Workout?!?

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Nerd-Core Fitness 101 – Beginner Workout (Total Body)

We are now two full weeks into your “Heroes Transformation” my loyal followers! Hopefully you have been experiencing success with the previous Upper-Body and Lower-Body workouts and are now into a routine of setting aside 15-20 minutes three times a week to get superhero fit (Having a hard time finding the time? Look closer!) Now it is time put in place the last 101 level workout; the total body circuit!

I know I keep harping on this but remember, these workouts are the foundation from which all other workouts evolve. In order to jump into more difficult (and rewarding) workouts you have to get the right muscles groups acclimated to the rigors of exercise and working in the proper range of motion. This isn’t to say that if you only did these three core circuits that you wouldn’t get significantly more fit over time (because you most definitely would) but it will become imperative over time that you keep our workouts fresh and new!

Just having strong legs or bulging biceps isn’t enough, it’s how you connect them all which allows for explosive and heroic feats of strength! Being able to functionally utilize all your muscle groups as an efficient machine is what we are looking for. Do you think Captain America hurls that shield of his with just his arm? Of course not; he draws the power from the floor up! All the way from his legs, through his torso and down his arm to the release of that swirling disc of patriotism… and that is what we are going to work on today with this beginner workout. How to link it all together.

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