What I Learned at San Diego Comic Con 2013
aka “Why I Am So Excited!”
I have tapped my fingers on the keyboard, only to delete what was written, more than a few times since my plane took off from San Diego beginning the long journey home to the east coast.
If you have never been to a convention like this before, especially one of this size and filled with your peers, it is really difficult to explain exactly why it is such a big deal.
I think Tony Kim, over at Crazy 4 Comicon, really summed it up best when describing his first time to Comic Con.
He managed to put into words, better than I ever could, what SDCC actually means; and now it is over. Almost a year of build up, the stress of getting tickets, the anxiety of obtaining one of the coveted hotels in the downtown area… it has all come and gone once again and, truth be told, my brain and body is still a little fuzzy!
That’s right, Nerd Prom 2013 has come to a close and while I am sad it is over, I am beyond excited for The Jerd: Year Two!
Since this site was forged in the fires of SDCC 2012 it is only fitting that I let you all in on how it was and why I am so pumped for things yet to come!
First off, let me just say that it was amazeballs!
I met a ton of cool people this year, experienced so many great things and most of all had a fabulous time! My wife and I spent five days wandering the city, perusing the artists in Artist Alley, marveling at all the great cosplay, enjoying all the off-site events that go on over the course of the weekend (we watched “Serenity” on the big screen in Petco Park with Captain Mal Nathan Fillion and Wash Alan Tudyk!), and running a wave of The Walking Dead Escape (I’ll be talking about that specifically next week in another article)!
We also made sure to attend many of the great after-parties raging on well into the night.
Have no doubt, the “geek industry” knows how to party!
Why So Excited?
I have been doling out Jerdly advice consistently for the last year, continually trying to figure out the best way to help all of you on your Heroes Transformation journey.
The problem though is when you keep refining a process in a semi-vacuum, you run the risk of missing the target!
So having 4 full days among, what is essentially, my target audience let me see if I was still on track… and luckily the answer is yes!
In talking with so many people I more than ever believe in my mission!
I spoke to so many people who told me that they:
- Had recently come to the realization that they needed to get out from behind their keyboard and were just starting on an exercise program
- Knew they needed to start doing something but just didn’t know where to start
- Were familiar with my work and thanked me for doing it
Let me tell you, there is nothing scarier or more humbling than a complete stranger telling you that they follow your work; especially at a gathering like San Diego Comic Con!
It was the exact motivation I needed to work even harder to bring every one of you the tools you need to go from geek to real-life superhero, and it kept me smiling the entire time I was there.

Hanging with the Geek Legacy crew!
What’s Next?!?
So what now?
Well, I plan on redoubling my efforts to bring you all the resources you need (bear with me though, I do this out of the love I have for my fellow geeks… unfortunately I still have a day job) to get fit and healthy!
I am in the process of writing two e-books, which should be out in the very near future. I can’t tell you too much, but I will say that once you read the Heroes Transformation Guide you will never have an excuse to suck at eating again!
I also plan on re-organizing the site to make it easier for people to find the resources they need.
Until then I want to take a minute and recap what is currently out there for you so that those of you new to the Jerd-Herd (yes, that’s what I call you) can get up to speed!
- If you have not read the About the Jerd and The 8 Laws of the Jerd-Herd pages definitely start there!
- Before you start worrying about how much you are eating, examine what it is you are stuffing into your mouth and learn the basics of healthy eating and what to stock your kitchen with. (If you want some great recipes you can also check out all of the Iron Ration articles)
- Then learn how to realistically set your goals.
- Start developing a healthy routine to follow.
- Take the time to figure out how many calories you should eat (this is part 1 of a 3 part series, don’t skim it. Learn it, live it, love it!)
- Once you have a handle on your diet, then take a look at the beginner workouts and workout tips we have available, or find an active hobby and start exercising!
I realize you might be looking at this and thinking to yourself “Man, that is a lot of work... isn’t there an easier way?”
No, there isn’t (and here is why)!!!
No-one said this was going to be easy, nothing worthwhile in life is!
Just channel your inner Batman and start whipping yourself into superhero shape! With all that being said, let me leave you all with some sage wisdom from one of the queens of comics…
“One of the Cs in SDCC should stand for cleavage” – Gail Simone
So are you ready for Year Two? What can I do to help you meet your fitness and health goals? Let me know in the comments below and make sure to spread the good word to all your friends who may need a little help! Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the new YouTube channel, like us on Facebook and Google+ and be sure to
Sign up for our free newsletter! (Word on the street is that next month, all subscribers get a free e-book!)
It’s fun to read words from someone who’s just pumped up about what he does. Thanks for sharing. I hope to contact my target audience this weekend at a small, local con.
I’ve never been to a comicon anywhere but glad to hear that it was so great. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Wow, sounds like so much fun! Great, too, that you found you were on track with your target audience. Perfect! 🙂
Great stuff here! Excellent and fun post!
Great Stuff Jeff! I’ve got my MemberID registered, i’ll be at next year’s Comic Con (hopefully provided tickets arent sold out). So upset I missed this one considering everyone that was there.